Note: This website serves primarily as an archive of activism done between 2021-2023 and is not being updated. You may sign up for monthly newsletters below.
The Current Crisis... and Opportunity
Since COVID began, we have entered a kind of twilight zone where we are being told that invisible things can “attack us;” that our very bodies could unwittingly kill or be killed; that the germ is everything and our immune systems and supporting microbiome are nothing.
The “pandemic” label — and the consequent governmental and media-driven responses meant to cause irrational fear — are functioning to set us up, if we allow them, to cede our sovereignty and accept draconian levels of external authority and control, such as: forced mass vaccinations, immunity passports for social access, mass surveillance, broad censorship and suppression, the end of paper money and the decimation of local economies.
These are not fictions or conspiracy theories about a “maybe” or far-off future, but well-publicized plans by the global elites to install their “one world order.” And this is all rolling out now. Aren’t you seeing it? (If not, please read some of our recent newsletters.)
We are not convinced by the claim that a pathogen is stronger than our 5-billion-years-in-the-making epigenetic mind-body-immune-microbiome system. Instead, we see this crisis as the result of the long-time pervasive poisoning of our soil, food, water, air and bodies. Case example: Context and Convergence: A dialogue on glyphosate, human and planetary health.
We believe in bodily sovereignty (my body, my choice) and are not swayed by authoritarian individuals or institutions that would seek to make health decisions for the entire population “for their own good.”
We trust God/Creation/Infinite Intelligence/Nature and our own bodies and are not convinced by the current scientific rationalizations for genetic modifications in or from our foods or medicines as being necessary for our future health or well-being.
We believe in currencies based in real assets and value and are not seduced by the showers of phony FED-printed money or fooled by the ongoing elite grift pretending to be a fair or sustainable economic system.
We are committed to true freedom and individual rights and sovereignty and are not deceived by those who claim to wrap themselves in the Constitution when we see they have shredded it first.
We believe in free speech, government and corporate transparency, and working together for our common humanity. We are not hypnotized by the tick-tock lockstep of the media propaganda machine in its never-ending attempts to control us through fear or separate us by party, race, sex, age, class, faith, color or capacity.
We embrace heterodoxy, critical thinking and collective sense-making. We are not deterred by those who would call us conspiracy theorists while they ignore the mountains of data right in front of their noses and spew back propaganda as truth.
In the midst of this totalitarian grab lies great opportunity, for those who are aware, to step away from the control matrix and create a new world based in actual equality, liberty, and fraternity. We can reignite the promise of America, its Constitution and its Bill of Rights, and enact a new covenant between all humans. We will rebuild our communities and world nonviolently and with respect for each other, for nature and for natural law.
Let’s do it.
Reigniting Freedom and Democracy: Five Steps
As proposed by the Global Walkout website, summarized by Suzanne Burdick in the Defender 9/29/22
Use cash instead of credit cards as much as possible. A printable handout explains: “I paid cash today for a reason”
- “To SAVE this business money on transaction fees
- To GIVE this business more control over their profits
- To SUPPORT my local economy and community
- To KEEP my purchases and location anonymous. To KEEP cash alive!”
As OCA (Organic Consumers Association) always says, buy local and organic today and every day and avoid GMOs, ultra-processed, and pesticide-tainted foods. If you know first-hand that your local small producer is organic, then it doesn’t matter if they are USDA certified or not. Locate and support family-run grocery stores, restaurants, and retailers and support the farmers and businesses in your area, rather than the chains. If you live in the city, research what fresh and organic produce, and meat and dairy, is grown or produced in your region. Get to know your local producers and merchants.
Unsubscribe from all mainstream media outlets. Delete the apps from your phone, laptop and tablet and unfollow all of their social media and YouTube channels. Try to avoid mainstream media. Tune in to the alternatives. Tell everyone you know to subscribe to the free Organic Bytes newsletter, The Defender, and
The Global Walkout website has a handout participants could share with others about “why minimizing mainstream media consumption is a good idea”
Support smaller banks and credit unions by moving your money from the multinationals to a local banking institution.
According to the Global Walkout website:
- Smaller banks support local family-run businesses more. If you invest your money in them, you are helping your local economy overall.
- If enough people take their money away from the big banks, they will have less control.
- In some cases, smaller banks are less controlled by big corporations and the government.
- We are unsure what the future holds. We know that the globalists are trying to bring in a digital ID and a cashless society. This step alone will not prevent this, but it’s a start.
The website has a handout people can use during conversations with staff at their new and old banks about why they are switching to smaller banks.
The fifth step of the global walkout is to display your country’s flag upside-down anywhere you can. We’ve come up with a very cheap and easy way to do this so EVERYONE can participate.
We’ve been inspired in the Netherlands by seeing hundreds of upside-down flags along the highways. It’s very impactful because the public cannot help but notice and wonder why they are there.
An important part of this step is to take a photo when you put your flag somewhere and post it online. Use the same hashtags as everyone else to show that WE ARE THE MANY…#CountryInDistress and #GlobalWalkout
In the Netherlands when we drove through farming regions, there were more properties WITH flags than without. It’s impossible for the public to ignore this public display of distress. Imagine if this was global??? If you spot a flag while with a friend, it will be a great way to start a conversation about important topics.
Learn more: Global Walkout Campaign Calls for ‘Unified Pushback Against Globalist Agenda’
Please note that this is the last regular weekly newsletter, at least for a while.
Open to read news on the plandemic and jab; politics and elections; relocalization, regenerative practices and prepping; rebuilding relationships, society and culture; general health and wellness; schools and education; EMFs; money, food energy, jobs and resources; first and second amendment, propaganda, and censorship; technocracy, AI/transhumanism, geoengineering, eugenics, and the deep state; Ukraine and global militarism; the culture wars; and even the UAP/ET question.
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8/27 – VAX “Approval”?
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The Dangers of COVID Vaccines for Children
Listen to Becky Montrone’s WKBK radio show:
Sen. Ron Johnson's All-Star Roundtable, Dec 7 2022
COVID-19 Vaccines - What They Are, How They Work and Possible Causes of InjuriesCICK IMAGE BELOW TO WATCH
New Hampshire is RISING UP!
Nuremburg II!
Sign the Nuremberg II petition here.
Please see our newsletters (linked above) for all current updates
No one is telling you what to think or believe, or even what is true. Articles and videos offered here do NOT imply any kind of imprimatur of truth or finality on the part of anyone in Rise Up NH, but are offered for consideration as partial perspectives towards gaining a fuller picture of what’s so. In many cases, we are not representing the mainstream view as it is already ubiquitous in the public sphere, though most articles do make reference to or quite obviously take issue with official dogma. Always do your own research, suspend final conclusions in favor of continuing research, ignore what doesn’t ring true for you, and make up your own mind. Collective sense-making is a path, not a destination. |
Know Your Rights: Expert Panel Discussion on Fighting Employer Mandates 8/24/21 Join/Support NH Healthcare Workers for Freedom.
The Smoking Guns!
Attorney Thomas Renz reveals both CMS (Medicare System) and DoD (Dept of Defense) data proving COVID vaccines WORSEN infections and hospitalizations. This is the government’s own data, nothing more or less. (video)
The pandemic is a symbol for, and example of, the collective battle of Love vs. Fear that is currently being waged across our planet. It’s our future, let us choose wisely.
Dr. Peter McCullough: 5 COVID Facts
- The virus does not spread asymptomatically.
- We should never test asymptomatic people.
- Natural immunity is robust, complete, and durable.
- COVID-19 is easily treatable at home.
- The current vaccines are obsolete, unsafe, and unfit for human use.
The two-decade patent trail behind the COVID Plan:
Bombshell exposé with Dr. David Martin and class-action lawyer Reiner Fuellmich
Bio-Terrorism by “Vaccination” – Dr Peter McCullough with Reiner Fuellmich
Dr. Richard Fleming’s mega-presentation
At Event 2021 in Dallas on June 5, Dr. Richard Fleming provided a masterful takedown of the rampant criminality of NIH and Fauci, DARPA, and many others regarding the uber-dangerous gain-of-function research which resulted in the main-made creation and release of SARS-Cov-2. He provides the complete research grant and publications paper trail, going back over 2 decades. He also discusses the so-called vaccine and the misleading claims of “95% effective,” his own clinical trials identifying highly effective treatment regimens for COVID-19, his plans to heal people from vaccine damage, and more. Complete with clear and incisive slides. Watch it here:, download his PDF slide presentation here. |
4 closely related articles, all by Dr. Meryl Nass: |
- Fauci Emails: How Top Public Health Officials Spun Tangled Web of Lies Around COVID Origin, Treatments
- Peter Daszak. ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive.’ Sir Walter Scott was right
- Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust and his co-conspirators with a Vietnam connection (Peter Horby and Rick Bright) (on HCQ suppression)
- NIAID was well aware of the January 2020 preprint by Indian scientists asserting that several short HIV segments were added to the SARS-CoV-2 genome
Dr. Simone Gold – The Truth About Covid-19 and The Covid-19 Vaccine:
One of most important videos you can watch on the pandemic.
Triple board-certified Dr. Zach Bush, who in 2019 predicted the next big viral outbreak would take place in China’s Hubei Province, offers a masterclass in understanding the nature of viruses, what was really driving mortality over 2020, why the pandemic response was misguided, and how we can move forward more sanely as a civilization.
BOTTOM LINE: Nature is not at war with us, we’re at war with nature. It’s time to clean up our act.
Dr. Peter McCullough testifies before the Texas Senate about early treatment options for COVID and the tens of thousands of lives that could have been — and could still be — saved.
Dr. Reid Sheftall clearly covers the science and math behind the COVID vaccine claims, and skewers the “95% effective!” claim. With clear explanations, images and slides. (Part I of 3):
AZ Vaccine Suspended by 24 EU Countries
After rash of blood clots and deaths of younger people receiving the jab.
But EU medical regulators say “benefits outweigh risks.”
"Masks work!" Really...?
The three states below had very different levels of restrictions yet a virus cares not. The idea that states can intervene in a natural process is shown to be a fallacy.
It’s now been over four weeks since Texas removed is mask mandate and absolutely nothing has happened, in fact, Texas is 38th in case rate over the week ending 4/7. The mainstream media is utterly unable to compute such data.
Tell me again that the masks stopped the virus. We dare you.
We’ll say it again: viruses follow seasonality, not mask or quarantine mandates.
The same pattern pertains to TX and NJ, except to note the later progression into the south last year. As with other states and countries, no correlation can be found between lockdowns and/or mask wearing and viral progression.
Japan’s COVID-19 case progression was once held up as the result of model government restrictions and high levels of compliance. We do find it odd how rarely we hear about Japan nowadays.
We know. This is getting boring. When will the mask cult open their eyes to the obvious? Viruses are seasonal and cannot be stopped by face diapers.

Free eBook
Get this 200+ page ebook, written by John-Michael Dumais, free when you sign up for our newsletter.
This document provides a good overview of research on the pandemic.
Now with nearly 600 links and references.
Don't blindly believe anything anyone tells you, including us. Do your own research. Make your own decisions.
Don't blindly believe anything anyone tells you, including us. Do your own research. Make your own decisions.
Don't blindly believe anything anyone tells you, including us. Do your own research. Make your own decisions.
More Critical Data Points
DISCLAIMER: Most of the information discussed by the medical professionals in the above videos is speculative at this moment, but we feel the signal being seen warrants further investigation. We are neither agreeing nor disagreeing with the interim conclusions being discussed. NOTHING HERE SHOULD BE CONSTRUED AS MEDICAL ADVICE. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS.