Weekly Community Zoom Chat Archive - 2021 and earlier

11/29/21 – In this community chat, we cover the upcoming Prepping and Priming System B event on December 4th in Swanzey NH (link below), and cover myriad topics, focused on citizen and lawsuit pushback against the pandemic and vaccines, as well as emerging data about vaccine injuries and further nutraceuticals for treatment.

“Prepping and Priming System B” Dec 4 Event in Swanzey NH:        https://www.eventbrite.com/e/prepping-and-priming-system-b-tickets-212570212227


Going after the bonds of public servants underwritten by insurance co’s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUoKP78RkOw










Dandelion Study: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.03.19.435959v1.full.pdf


Dr. Peter McCullough Fights Back: “The Vaccines Are NOT SAFE For Human Use”: https://www.bitchute.com/video/lKEp7qW22Ge3/





“The mildness of the symptoms that we are seeing apparently there’s no reason for panicking as we don’t see severely ill patients…”  South African Doctor who discovered the omicron variant

11/22/21 –

Today, we cover updates on the arraignment of the Noble 9, the multimillion dollar bribe accepted by the New Hampshire Legislative Fiscal Committee, the case of Jennifer Martin’s husband who was medically kidnapped and then died, the upcoming December 4th Prepping and Priming For System B event in Swanzey, and cover a lot of the emerging news of the day.

11/15/21 – News, Propaganda, and What We Are Doing About it. Today, we cover some critical upcoming events, including and open testimony opportunity in the New Hampshire house tomorrow, Tuesday November 16; Rebuild New Hampshire’s large format input event for creating an alternative systems On Thursday evening 6:00 PM in Bedford; our December 4th Prepping and Priming System B event in Swanzey; and other news and events, including a discussion on propaganda.

10.25.21: Manifesting System B & the VCAL website. With multiple looming crises (food and energy shortages, job losses, etc.), the challenge before us is to create a parallel system to address the needs that our communities will be — or are already — facing. We lay out one map for how to think about System B. We also discuss and offer a brief demo of the VCAL website.

System B Doc: https://riseupnh.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/IDEAS-FOR-CREATING-SYSTEM-B.docx

To get an invite to the VCAL site, write to: admin@riseupnh.org. If you are new to the network, please include who referred you, and your phone #.

10.4.21 – Natural Law and the US Constitution, with Michael Walsh, JD. 

In an age when authorizations are not approvals…
When recommendations are not mandates…
When mandates are not laws…
When presidential orders are not actually recorded anywhere and are still not laws…
When law enforcement and judges can be threatened, bought, or caught up in the mass hysteria and fail to protect individual rights or community health…
When cartels believe they can do whatever they want to their chattel slaves, despite the so-called majesty of the law and the US Constitution…

We felt it was time to have a conversation about natural law. Michael Walsh J.D. leads a discussion on why “we hold these truths to be self-evident.”

10.4.21 – Nathaniel Rowan, a violin maker from Putney Vermont shares his thoughts on how to start thinking about prepping to survive the coming times.

Attorney Thomas Renz reveals DoD data (in addition to the CMS data he previously shared) proving covid vaccines WORSEN infections and hospitalizations: https://rumble.com/vn12v1-attorney-thomas-renz-we-got-them.-fact-check-this-all-new-whistleblower-inf.html

Dr. Richard Fleming gives an in-depth slide presentation concerning Covid – the ‘vaccine’- the criminal aspects of the outbreak, and offers his petition to the ICC (for all citizens to sign) for the Nuremburg II trials: https://www.brighteon.com/938889b0-8787-49a3-893f-6c024c9f1043.

Nuremburg II petition to sign: https://www.petitions.net/investigation_and_prosecution_of_those_individuals_responsible_for_crimes_against_humanity

Life Bivy Emergency Sleeping Bag Thermal Bivvy – Use as Emergency Bivy Sack, Survival Sleeping Bag, Mylar Emergency Blanket – Includes Stuff Sack with Survival Whistle + Paracord String (Green)


The 7 Best Portable Solar Panels – [2021 Reviews]

If bullets are currency, which kind would you stock
any NATO calibers will be in demand


Youtube Links:

•Viking Preparedness (also on Patreon)
Joe Fox’s book “Survivalist Family” at Amazon

•Southern Prepper One

•Survival Prepping for Normal People

•Asymmetrical Preparedness

Other links:


•Jeffrey Prather, Team America, bi-weekly intel report
Jeffreyprather.com and on Patreon


•fowardobserver.com- (some content on Youtube)



9.27.21 – Acupuncturist Therese Byrne shares her harrowing story of environmental poisoning while living in OH and her subsequent down-the-rabbit-hole research. Some of her assessment may be speculative, but judging by the non-response and threats she received from government officials, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Her report lines up with what others like Dr. Zach Bush have been saying that what has been going on is an epidemic of environmental poisoning. Will we listen to the canaries in the mine or keep on pretending nothing is happening? Judge for yourself. 

Update October 7: Chris Martin was taken off life support at DHMC and has died. Our deepest condolences go out to Jennifer.

9.20.21 – Today we hear the story of NH Veteran Chris Martin from Pembroke, who was put on a ventilator and is fighting for his life while his wife Jennifer fights to get him on different medication or out of Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center all together. (She was kicked out of DHMC last night). Jennifer gives us more of the inside scoop and tells us how we can help. See Jennifer’s GoFundMe page here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/chris-medical-and-legal-fees

Listen to Rebecca Montrone’s followup radio interview with Jennifer on Saturday 9/25.


I have the liquid extract, which is more concentrated than the tea and excellent.  https://shopwondrousroots.com/korean-pine-needle-extract/


Awesome! TY! Stepson has bronchitis and Pneumonia for more than a month.  Phizer vax.  And now mother in law is sick after vax. Going on two months now.


Unbelievable.   I have other suggestions; email me after Rebecca@wondrousroots.org


“How can this be more harmful than death”


Can your attorneys get a court order to administer ivermectin, vit c, d, zinc, etc?


The local press needs to hear this




can you go in accompanied by an attorney and police?


I heard from someone going through  a similar thing that the told the hospital they would check their loved one out with Hospice and then have Hospice administer the correct course of action.


I would record every conversation & every interaction you have with them


are you allowed in the hospital in his room at all?


That is outrageous


I have been skeptical about this covid set up where they are not allowed in with the patient. it seems like a good way to block the family from having a say in what happens to the patient. not trying to scare you but I feel like this was the plan before covid was started. to experiment. i am sorry


T, I agree.


The fact that your husband has  survived so long shows how strong he is and would respond to alternative therapies


Jennifer, we are contacting our prayer partners to cover you and your husband in


Sorry didn’t finish……covering you and Chris in prayer.


I have noticed that patients who are not on any prescription meds prior and who have used alternative therapy often “die”.  But people who are on 20 different medications “recover” because they continue to make money for big pharma




Can you put that in the chat pls?


And here’s Jennifer’s page   https://iso-peace.com/




Hospitals are not healthcare organizations; they are sick care organizations. It is in their best interest to keep people sick


Many MDs have been threatened. and many doctors were killed since the beginning of the shit down for speaking the truth


shut down


Freudian slip…


yes. that is what it has been from the beginning


Therese, do you want to speak on mic?


i am not sure how to help. i think she is on the right path . i


Do hospitals want the unvaccinated to die at the hospital for stats and financial incentives?  Would the treatment and protocol be different if he was vaccinated?




I think she needs to go in accompanied by a lawyer and a couple police with a legal order to release him or teeat him different


@ Frank: This would be a very good start- esp. because not everybody has a big family or a family at all


when a battered woman is in danger the court can issue a same day order for protecting her and children. Is there some way to do that in a medical situation


corn , all forms of Corn causes inflammation more than anything else. They have been purposely putting corn syrup into all th food.


GMO corn Monsanto was bought by Bayer pharmaceuticals in 2018


Bayer is partners with Johnson n Johnson


The yellow wristbands are a beautiful idea.  I want to see them everywhere!  On a different note, as part of the medical freedom act that was passed in NH this summer (HB 220), there was a 4-member legislative study committee formed to study medical interventions, including immunizations.  They’re meeting this fall and supposed to issue a report in December.  They need to know what is happening in hospitals.  For anyone interested, here’s a link to info about the committee:  http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/statstudcomm/details.aspx?id=1548&rbl=1&txtyear=2021&txtbillnumber=HB220


If you have an alternative treatment plan can your attorney provide a demand letter that Dartmouth start that treatment immediately?


Avoid Corn


People be careful with such statements. What are you going to do with appendicitis, obstructed gut, kidney stones etc.? No hospital??


You know the nurses at Concord Hospital who are not vaccinated have to wear a yellow star on their badge




Samaritan Ministries


Right, David, but this is where we are.  This is one of the greatest outfalls of the medical tyranny.   Fine… go to the hospital, but buyer beware.


the GMO corn and soy is a part of the plan leading up to the shut down


14 days after your second shot!


My friend filmed Mass Gen’s ER’s – she went to three of them and said they were empty


9.13.21 – Today we focus on the upcoming Monadnock Freedom Conference on 9/18, and feature a local activist helping to organize alternative educational resources for children. We also discuss upcoming protest actions around the state, including Keene (Thursday 9/16 4PM in Central Square) and Concord (Saturday Oct 2 12noon at the Capitol Building). We also show a preview of the VCAL (Voluntary Civic Action League) website, currently in development (and we are looking for beta testers, please contact us if you are interested)

To connect for educational alternatives: castineclerkin@gmail.com

Prenda educational offering (state paid): https://www.prenda.com

Consider using this letter page at DailyKos to change subject and message to oppose the idea/bill: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/sign-and-send-the-petition-urge-your-senators-to-pandemic-proof-the-planet

8.30.21 – Further discussion about return and increase of mandates.

Vids w/ Dr Peter McCullough: https://www.bitchute.com/video/OlfLvPfkhdx3/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/95lJP00jEZhu/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/BxME0RDJ61S9/ Ivermectin Studies: https://c19ivermectin.com/ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E-CNXyOXsAAiHw4?format=jpg&name=large https://c19hcq.com/ Database of all HCQ COVID-19 studies. 344 studies, 250 peer reviewed, 281 comparing treatment and control groups. HCQ is not effective when used very late with high dosages over a long period (RECOVERY/SOLIDARITY), effectiveness improves with earlier usage and improved dosing. Early treatment consistently shows positive effects. Negative evaluations typically ignore treatment time, often focusing on a subset of late stage studies

8.23.21 – Were science, sanity and public health  just killed by the COVAX getting approved by the FDA? Or was that misdirection, and only the EUA was continued? Further discussion about return and increase of mandates, and a plethora of responses we as citizens can make.

8.16.21 – Further discussion of the delta variant, vaccine mandates and what to do, returning mask mandates, and much more.

History of EUA: https://uncoverdc.com/2021/08/11/covid-19-emergency-use-authorization/

The Delta is more contagious but it’s far less deadly, far less worrisome. In fact, it’s a much weaker virus than both the U.K. [Alpha] and the South African [Beta] variants. ~ Dr. Peter McCullough

Highly recommended: Perspectives on the Pandemic | Dr. Peter McCullough – https://youtu.be/C-Kw2yIG_5w

The Kaiser Family Foundation gathered data from 2415 counties and reported that as of May 11, an average of 28.5% of people living in counties that Trump carried were fully vaccinated, while 35% of people living in counties carries by Biden were fully vaccinated. – https://wellnessforumhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Forbidden-Newsletter-Article-080921.pdf

That pdf from Mercola seen here https://files.constantcontact.com/029ca380101/ba7664cc-daee-4068-8482-3322f8157640.pdf

The FDA Cover-Up That Led To The Approval Of The Pfizer Vaccine

Dr. Meryl Nass: How a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative was Created

Hydroxychloroquine metastudy – https://c19hcq.com
274 trials, 246 peer reviewed: 65% improvement in early treatment; 75% improvement in early treatment mortality

Ivermectin metastudy – https://c19ivermectin.com
61 studies, 42 peer reviewed, 30 RCTs: 86% improvement as prophylaxis; 74% improvement with early treatment; 43% improvement with late treatment; mortality (23 studies): 96% reduction with prophylactics; 63% reduction with early treatment; 59% reduction with late treatment

Vitamin D metastudy – https://vdmeta.com
97 studies overall. 45% improvement and treatment RCTs; 55% improvement in treatment mortality

First Hand ICU Story – What is ACTUALLY Killing People In The Hospital = https://rumble.com/vktdpt-our-first-hand-icu-story-what-is-actually-killing-people-in-the-hospital.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2

New Podcast with Frank Natoli and John-Michael: https://youtu.be/huu7JmfqYdM

8.9.21 – A lively community discussion about pushing back against the creeping  illegal mandates to take the unapproved mRNA vaccine.

Corey Digs has a great revised Liability statement that can be printed completed and given to Human Resources. They have to return it to you and under no circumstances should they comply or quit. Let the employer fire them and pursue wrongful termination: https://www.coreysdigs.com/solutions/form-for-employees-whose-employers-are-requiring-covid-19-injections/



With respect to the emergency use of an unapproved product, the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Title 21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I-III) reiterates that individuals be informed of “the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, [and] of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.”4 In the event that the FDA decided to grant full approval to Covid-19 vaccines, state legislation would be required to allow companies to mandate the Covid-19 injections. Are you aware of these facts?

EUA products are unapproved, unlicensed, and experimental. Under the Nuremberg Code—the foundation of ethical medicine—no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment. The individual’s consent is absolutely essential. No court has ever upheld a mandate for an EUA vaccine. In Doe #1 v. Rumsfeld, 297 F. Supp. 2d 119 (2003),5 a federal court held that the U.S. military could not mandate EUA vaccines for soldiers: “[T]he United States cannot demand that members of the armed forces also serve as guinea pigs for experimental drugs” (Id. at 135). Are you aware of this?


Employer & School Disclosure Forms for Covid-19 Injections


Vladimir Zelenko speaks with Israeli Health Minister and Politicians. Highest jabbed locales are Israel and Seychelles. Genocide. https://www.bitchute.com/video/WsvhxBD4k1uZ/

Report to VAERS: https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html


“Breakthrough” Cases:

169 dead, 644 hospitalized in Illinois breakthrough COVID cases



79 people dead, 303 hospitalized in Massachusetts breakthrough cases



More than 1000 breakthrough COVID cases reported in Tennessee


COVID spreading fast and well- vaccinated California counties

Cases are falling in five counties with below-average vaccination


Minnesota finds 89 COVID cases in vaccinated people


Half of COVID-19 infected adults in Israel in latest outbreak were fully vaccinated


49 fully vaccinated people in New Jersey have died from COVID-19



27 fully vaccinated people have died in Tennessee, health department says


246 infected, three dead from COVID-19 in Michigan despite being vaccinated



COVID-19 infects about 100 vaccinated crew members on HMS Queen Elizabeth



Fully-vaccinated Cary couple shocked and disappointed after both become sick from COVID


Masonicare in Wallingford dealing with COVID-19 outbreak of the fully vaccinated


COVID outbreak among vaccinated Vegas hospital workers underscores delta risks


Breakthrough COVID cases among vaccinator players postpones MLB game


Shooting for Hollywood film shuts down after vaccinated cast get COVID


Sixth fully vaccinated Texas Democrat lawmaker tests positive for COVID-19


Outdoor wedding: 6 fully vaccinated infected with COVID-19 delta variant


Stanford students concerned about breakthrough COVID cases after seven fully vaccinated test positive


Church camp COVID outbreak: 20 fully vaccinated residents test positive, health officials say


28 fully vaccinated people contract COVID at homeless shelter in California


7/19/21: Our chat took the form of a round robin community discussion on the mounting injuries and death from the so-called COVID vaccine (a CDC whistleblower just put it at 45,000 deaths within three days after vaccination); the every more polarizing rhetoric coming out of mainstream media and Washington; the revelations of Dr. David Martin on the patents that made the pandemic; the World Economic Forum’s attempt at “The Great Reset” and how that is currently affecting the economy; and more. On the positive side, we talked about regenerative agriculture and an affordable local medical practice where health choices are respected.

7/12/21: NH Legislative Summary and Outlook with Melissa Blasek. Melissa, Executive Director of ReopenNH/RebuildNH (https://reopennh.com/) and Representative to the NH Legislature from Merrimack, talks about the results of the legislative efforts over the past year to check executive power re: emergency orders, and to safeguard medical freedom. Among bills discussed are: HB63, HB417, HB542, HB220, HB1 and HB2. Lots of good questions from the participants made this a lively and informative session.




6/28/21: Featuring Paul Kervick from Vermont (www.vitallivingvt.com), a Dynamic Governance (aka Sociocracy) advocate. Paul has many years of experience using this consent-style (not strictly “consensus”) decision-making process in real-world organizations. DG ensures everyone’s voice is heard, and that no majority or minority comes to dominate groups which are seeking to organize to meet the needs of their communities. This hearkens back to the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy and the way they engaged in group decisions, which is believed to have influenced the development of our country’s founding documents.

6/7/21: After talking up the Cheshire Countyu Convening this Saturday, the primary discussion was of the recent (though long-known by researchers) revelations about the US-China collaboration in gain of function research that led to the creation and release of SAR’s-CoV-2. Dr. Richard Fleming’s recent (6/5) presentation at Event 2021 on the same topic is discussed.

5/24/21 Weekly community zoom call covered a variety of issues, from lifting of mask mandates to the COVID injections and reports of the effects of “shedding” on the unvaccinated.

5/17/21 – This week features Dan Richard of NH Committee of Safety, discussing the NH Constitution, the 5/22 Sheriff Mack event, and his efforts to hold the state government accountable through remonstrances, etc. We also review last Saturday’s wordwide freedom rally with its organizer Cheryl D.

Sheriff Mack event: https://givebutter.com/SheriffMackNH

NH Committee of Safety: https://cosnh.com/

5/10/21. We cover a wide variety of news related to the pandemic, vaccines, and local activism, including the Saturday 5/15 Worldwide Freedom Rally in Concord NH from 12-3pm.

On the India situation:

·      The COVID Crisis in India: an Interview with Dr Dhananjay Bakhle


·      Rebecca Montrone, Wondrous Roots WKBK 5/10/21https://wkbkradio.com/podcasts/wondrous-roots-with-becky-montrone-5-8-21/

Former HHS COVID Advisor Dr. Paul Alexander: Do NOT Give COVID Shots to Children!


Dr. Reiner Fuellmich – Starting Litigation on “Biggest tort case in history”

German Extra Parliamentary Corona Committee — Since July 10, 2020

Truth about COVID, PPCR, and damage to world’s people and economy, vaccine fraud


“Greatest Crime Against Humanity Ever Committed”

OSHA Twist – Employers and the Vaccine



CDC has stopped counting “breakthrough infections”


The Deadly COVID-19 Vaccine Coverup

Virginia Stoner


add graphic; VAERS+vaccines+administered+&+deaths+reported+by+age+group+-+complilation.jpg

The Rise of Utilitarian Extremism, and How to Recognize It

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola


US Citizens Have a New Weapon in Their Fight for Freedom

Naomi Wolf’s Daily Clout platform allows citizens to lobby already drafted, turnkey bills to their legislators



Expert evaluation on adverse effects of the Pfizer-COVID-19 vaccination

May 9, 2021


Don’t Get the Vaccine Until You See This

Dr. Reid Sheftall, Truth in Science

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG7n1ZbDTww

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px9YHK5c4cI

Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jwwgqp12sA

The numbers you hear on TV don’t mean what you think they mean. Very good explication, with slides.

Form for Employees Whose Employers Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections


Form for Students Attending Colleges or Universities Requiring Covid-19 Injections


COVID Vaccines: Necessity, Efficacy and Safety

Doctors for Covid Ethics


The Magic of Masks

The Flu and Scientific American’s War on Reality

US, Japan and Sweden


FL masked vs unmasked counties


Panda-A Critical Analysis of the Covid Response


The Case Against Gates


Scientific Analyses and Papers on Lockdown Effectiveness


5/3/21. Our discussion continues from last week’s with the emerging reports that the COVID vaccinations may be causing harm to those nearby who are not vaccinated. DISCLAIMER: NOTHING HERE SHOULD BE CONSTRUED AS MEDICAL ADVICE. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS.

Sayer Gi (GreenMedInfo) talks about one possible mechanism for this transmission: https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/ways-mrna-covid-19-vaccines-could-harm-unvaccinated-explored-depth-livestream-rep


Newsletter with info we’re talking about: link


Dr. Judy Mikovits, Possible Antidote to Spike Protein: https://riseupnh.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Possible-Spike-Protein-Antidote.pdf


On the issue of shedding (for general “regular” vaccines): https://www.nvic.org/CMSTemplates/NVIC/pdf/Live-Virus-Vaccines-and-Vaccine-Shedding.pdf


Pfizer document: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=171182

4/26/21. This week our discussion focuses on the emerging implications that the COVID vaccinations may be causing harm to those nearby who are not vaccinated. DISCLAIMER: Most of this information is speculative at this moment, but the signal being seen certainly warrants further investigation. We are neither agreeing nor disagreeing with the interim conclusions being discussed. NOTHING HERE SHOULD BE CONSTRUED AS MEDICAL ADVICE. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS.

4/19/21–A wide-ranging discussion on what individuals and groups can do in light of the ongoing pandemic restrictions, vaccine passports, etc. Covers news, NH events, and some dialogues happening in Keene this week with the City Council and Monadnock Coop regarding mask mandates.
4.12.21 Today’s chat focused on the COVID vaccine (including how to talk with others who are less skeptical about it) as well as vaccines in general.
4/5/21. Andrew Manuse of ReopenNH/RebuildNH (www.ReopenNH.com) gives us a legislative update on the final week of NH House voting on its own bills before Crossover Day. Action is needed by all NH residents. Please write your Reps (http://gencourt.state.nh.us/house/members/default.aspx) before the Wed-Fri voting. Thank you. For more information, see:
3/29/21. Our weekly community conversation on all things pandemic.
3/22/21. Updates on recent activity of Action Groups/Workstreams with Marcus, plus further conversation about the V and other current concerns.
3/15/21. Dr. Gene Clerkin (Monadnock Natural Health), Rebecca Montrone (Wondrous Roots), and John-Michael Dumais (all part of the RiseUpNH Collaborative) present information on the largely suppressed dangers of the mRNA vaccines.
For today’s session (3/8/21), we reviewed workstreams for various action projects and then had a mini-class with Daniel Richard on the NH Constitution focusing on exactly why the governor did/does not have the legal basis for emergency orders affecting private businesses and individuals.

Our 3/1/21 chat focused on introducing a number of actions groups being launched around the state.

We are now hosted on Bitchute and Brighteon.

Our 2/22/21 chat was another open conversation addressing a variety of issues. Now hosted on our Bitchute channel.

Our 2/15/21 session offered an open Q&A session addressing a variety of issues.

NOTE: YouTube struck the video. Working to get it uploaded to our Bitchute channel.

The February 2021 chat covers:
1) NH admits PCR tests use too-high cycle thresholds, leading to many false-positives (please sign our PCR petition here)
2) “The People’s Reset”: an overview of the outer and inner aspects of the a people-driven reorganization of our culture (suggest reading the article on this topic here first)
3) plus varied discussion about Constitutional and legal approaches, concerns over the C0V!D v@kseens, dealing with stores resisting non- and alternative-masking wearing, and more.

February 1 2021. Today, we begin with a short tutorial on how to communicate with Representatives in the NH Legislature regarding a bill, as well as how to sign up to speak (virtually) in front of any committee. We then move on the main program: Daniel Richard speaks on the NH Committee of Safety (https://cosnh.com), sharing his deep knowledge of the NH Constitution and how it can be applied — with sufficient education and participation — to the current situation of unconstitutional executive orders and other shortcomings of the executive, judicial and legislative branches of our government.

January 25 2021. Today, we start with the Keene Sentinel’s dismissive attitudes towards skeptics and what might be done about it, then move on to discuss the WHO’s new PCR test rules (essentially now requiring clinical confirmation and/or additional tests before asserting a case is positive). Our main topic of discussion follows: the many observed instances of death coming soon after the COVID vaccine (as reported to the national VAERS or Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting system). (Also see related news items on our front page.)

For the January 18 2021 conversation, we start with some guidance for using our website (the front page and its navigation and view options). We then focus on the main topic, the health and psychological effects of the pandemic on our children, including the impacts on learning. 

In the January 11, 2021 conversation, we address the many unrecognized effects of lockdowns, including deaths by starvation, suicide, overdoses, and lack of access to regular screenings and medical treatments, and much more. We also further discuss vaccines, as well as how to break through the narrative logjam. 

The January 4, 2021 conversation features a variety of topics, including: upcoming NH events, vaccines, faulty death counts, and more.

In the December 28 conversation, we focus on the topic of COVID vaccines.

In the December 14 conversation, we focus on how to communicate with others who believe differently than us, which includes approaching sheriffs, school boards and others in officialdom. We also discuss the onrushing vaccine mandates.

In the December 7 conversation, Rebecca L. Montrone, B.S. and a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner from Keene, discusses nutrients for preventing and treating C0V!D-19. Documents discussed in this video can be viewed and downloaded hereDISCLAIMER: This information offered in this webinar is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For concerns related to your health, please consult your trusted health practitioner.

For the 11/30 Zoom call, we covered a lot of ground, from the CDC’s conflation of pneumonia, influenza and COVID deaths, to fraudulent PCR tests, to mask disobedience, to networking with other NH groups, to how to give children a voice, and more.

For the 11/23 Zoom call, we covered current case and hospitalization situation in NH, heard from a college student struggling with wearing a mask, and then discussed a range of responses to the further restrictions by the governor. 

RebuildNH’s Andrew J. Manuse and Melissa Blasek joined us to talk about the upcoming legislative efforts to remove government pandemic restrictions. (Our apologies for audio issues and  chipmunk voices.) We also discussed “The Great Reset” which lies behind much of the pandemic overreach we are seeing. For more background on this subject, see:

On November 9 We chatted with Frank and Shoshana Blasko, who recently moved from New York to Bedford, New Hampshire, in large part to escape the draconian rollback of civil rights in their home state. Hear about their concerns and ways they are engaging folks of like mind through their website livefreeorcomply.com