Weekly Community Zoom Chat
We are not holding weekly zoom calls at this time.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
Recordings of previous meetings...
4/3/23 – . Today, Ann S shares information about EMFs (4G, 5G, and the coming 6G) and cell towers and what is being and can be done to stop them. She covers some of the research, organizations working on legislation in NH, MA, and nationally, and shares some resources.
RESOURCE LIST (see also many resources listed in chat stream below)
John-Michael – RUNH: https://www.fcc.gov/general/telecommunications-act-1996
Section 704: https://www.mtas.tennessee.edu/reference/federal-laws-affecting-tower-placement
Let’s Connect about Cell Towers – Expert Forum (March 30th 2023): https://youtu.be/lkSr8z3gFGE
Dr. Paul Heroux Cell Tower Radiation Health Effects Research Presentation: https://youtu.be/Lw03FexMATs
POSTERS ON REDUCING EXPOSURE: https://ehtrust.org/resources-to-share/printable-resources/
Cell Tower Actions Step Recommendations: https://ehtrust.org/action-steps-on-cell-towers-near-homes-and-schools/
2020 NH Wireless Commission Report: https://ehtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/5G-and-Cell-Tower-Radiation-New-Hampshire-Commission-Factsheet.pdf
Keith: Hi Ann, What about smart meters? What is NH doing to regulate them for safety & privacy concerns? What is the opt-out policy in NH?
wireless industry on 6G: https://www.spiceworks.com/tech/networking/articles/what-is-6g/
6G wireless technology could use humans as a power source, study explains: https://studyfinds.org/6g-use-humans-as-power-source/
Human 6G Antennas? ‘One of the Worst Ideas Ever,’ Critic Says: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/human-6g-antennas/
Pediatricians Must Advocate For Stricter Wireless Regulations to Protect Kids From Radiation, Scientists Say: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/stricter-wireless-regulations-protect-kids-radiation/
CHD, California Groups Sue Los Angeles County to Stop Fast-Track Proliferation of Wireless Towers: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/chd-lawsuit-los-angeles-wireless-towers/
How one California couple beat the future at their doorstep: a 5G cell site
A sudden shift of momentum in a long conflict between industry and activists.
Re: Keene City Council Committees – contact them on dangers of cell towers. https://keenenh.gov/my-city-government/standing-committees
Commissions (not committees): https://keenenh.gov/boards-commissions
David: Impossible to remove and opt out they sneak it on the house, I had to defend my clinic against it but lost on my residence! By the way community power is no help .
David: I get charged $45 more per quarter for my water meter with the town.
Smart meters puts dirty electricity on your wiring plus on average every household uses more electricity.
Kristen R: I have a silver treaded cloth that I can wear like a shawl or put over me in bed. I’ve tested it. Definitely works.
John-Michael – RUNH: Canary in a Gold Mine: https://es-ireland.com/2022/02/06/canary-in-a-gold-mine/
Kristen R: What does LF Gauss Mode mean?
David: Magnetic Energy
Fred W: gauss is a measure of power
0David: Childrens health has excellent resources for both legal and physical issues.
John-Michael – RUNH: Court decision: https://www.cadc.uscourts.gov/internet/opinions.nsf/FB976465BF00F8BD85258730004EFDF7/$file/20-1025-1910111.pdf
David: You thought the vax was bad, this issue is 10x worse.
John-Michael – RUNH: Cell Tower at Schools Health Effects Cheat Sheet : https://ehtrust.org/cell-tower-at-schools-health-effects-cheat-sheet/
Radiation Physicist Victor Leach on 5G and Wi-Fi Health Effects: https://ehtrust.org/radiation-physicist-victor-leach-on-5g-and-wi-fi-health-effects/
Recent history of wireless bills in NH (scroll down to “New Hampshire” section on page): https://sites.google.com/site/understandingemfs/bills-in-other-states?authuser=0
My Journey with Electrosensitivity – Lis Carpenter: https://medium.com/@lis_carpenter/my-journey-with-electrosensitivity-c974120d5328
Keith: Every Human
John-Michael – RUNH: EMF protection products (not endorsing, just sharing): https://lessemf.com/
Theresa S: I used muscle testing kinesiology to test effects of cell phones and low frequency EM fileds on people for over 2 years. There are devices that boost resistance to EM with remarkable results on muscle testing. I have observed effects even on plant cuttings. Most people have stronger fields and muscle strength when using such devices. I love the QLink and have used it for 23 years.
Theresa S: Where can I find that job at $900/hr? 🙂
John-Michael – RUNH: New Hampshire for Safe Technology: https://www.facebook.com/NHforSafeTech/ ; YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXV9eUDTZWAYWTAdXE9dxJA
Jen: defendershield sells scarves…
John-Michael – RUNH: EMF Shielding clothing (not endorsing, just sharing): https://lessemf.com/product-category/emf-shielding/clothing-emf-shielding/
MaryR: she’s talking about David’s place
Theresa S: Thank you for sharing this, great info.
David: This is a tougher battle.
John-Michael – RUNH: IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JOINING A TEAM EFFORT TO EDUCATE AND TAKE NEEDED ACTION HERE IN KEENE, please contact Ann Savastano at annsava7@protonmail.com
3/27/23 – On Money, Barter, and Community Media. This week we discuss, in order: 1) Becky Montrone’s new radio show (now online only); 2) Community media opportunities at the former Cheshire TV station in Keene; 3) LETS Barter event on 4/1 (more at www.riseupnh.org/lets-barter); and 4) the current situation with bank runs, fiat money, and the economic outlook in general, including CBDCs, the FEDNow payments system rollout, and what regular folks might do. DISCLAIMER: we are not financial advisors and nothing discussed here should be construed as financial advice. Please consult your own trusted advisors and make your own decisions.
John-Michael – RUNH: https://riseupnh.org/lets-barter/
David: As a veterinarian, could I offer professional service worth $75 to barter with?
MaryR: yes, David, exactly
Kristen: There are 15 people on this zoom call.
MaryR: Thanks, Kristen! Its interesting to know.
John-Michael – RUNH: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/matter-trust
Kristen: https://cbdctracker.org/
Map that shows the countries currently doing CBDC and those planning it.
Not exactly, but FedNow is the Trojan Horse a CBDC will ride in. The FedNow payment system is the infrastructure necessary to release a CBDC. Before a CBDC could be issued or tested, a payment processor would need to be fully capable of handling millions of transactions every second. Processing transactions this way is what FedNow promises. The Fed stated that the initial release of the FedNow will focus on core clearing and settlement capabilities. Additional FedNow features will be released in phases.
John-Michael – RUNH: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fednow-instant-payments-are-coming-and-cbdcs-will-follow
Kristen: From: https://www.usgoldbureau.com/news/what-is-the-fednow
Stacy: Seems like a great system to track everyone. For example, there isn’t a national gun registry, but if this becomes the only way to pay… then it creates itself.
Kristen: Stacy, for sure.
John-Michael – RUNH: https://explore.fednow.org
Kristen: Nigeria is one of the countries that has rolled out the CBDC
People have been resisting using it, despite lots of coercion.
There are carrots and sticks, but no go.
3/20/23 – The end of (fake) money Today we start with a discussion of the insistence of many institutions that mask-using continues — and discuss why. We then move on to the main topic of what is going on with money and banking, how we got here, and how the money system is not based on real value and was therefore always destined to fail.
DISCLAIMER: Nothing discussed here should be understood to state or imply financial advice of any kind.
Mary and/or Merrick: I trust pumpkins to protect me from COVID, too
Kristen R: Mary, hahaha….
Mary and/or Merrick: Even my cat’s Vet!
MaryR: you just said it …”the fear is not permeating”… hence the continual need for masks, no?
mel: The pandemic is over May 11 isn’t it? maybe then they will
MaryR: don’t forget, lots of corps (hospital included) got money to agree to all this and signed for it…..
John-Michael – RUNH: Dr. David Martin Unveils the Truth About the Lab Leak. w/ Mikki Willis
The who, when, where, why and how – simply and in black and white
7 minute video:
MaryR: “incremental compliance” is a long-held govt concept wherein gaining a bit at a time is considered a win, if not the goal itself.
Keith: J-M, if you want the group to have a good laugh, show this two minute movie clip. Did this 1981 movie (‘Early Warning’) try to warn us about the Great Reset/NWO agenda?
Keith: https://twitter.com/DavidWolfe/status/1635644379644952577?cxt=HHwWgoDQubb5_LItAAAA
David: Can anybody clarify HB 575? Now , I understand this bill should be passed!
Keith: “One sign you’re a terrible bank is when you run out of imaginary money.” Bill Maher
John-Michael – RUNH: https://www.corbettreport.com/finance-capital-vs-public-banking-ellen-brown-on-grtv/
Jen: North Dakota is the bank,
David: Does Frank want to help write up legislation to have NH State Bank? Tennessee & North Dakota
David: I think Mellisa lost her reelection, she was a big target.
John-Michael – RUNH: Banks, Banks, Banks: The Elephant Nobody Even Sees – Our faith in the wobbling world of hyper-financialization will soon be tested. https://www.oftwominds.com/blogmar23/banks-economy3-23.html
Joe Mirzoeff: 1000 trillion = 1 quadrillion, melissa did lose her 2022 election
Keith: “That religion and that nation will be blotted out of the face of the earth which pins its faith on injustice, untruth or violence.”- Gandhi
MaryR: thanks, all!
Stacy: Thanks, everyone!
Tom L: Hope to make that Barter meet Kristen
John-Michael: LETS Barter – April 1: https://riseupnh.org/lets-barter/
Lebanon: Banks to launch open-ended nationwide strike beginning March 14: https://crisis24.garda.com/alerts/2023/03/lebanon-banks-to-launch-open-ended-nationwide-strike-beginning-march-14
Tom L: FDIC is underwater if you follow Kirk Elliott many banks may fail and we aren’t covered. Check out the Dodd Frank act language on “Bail In’s”
Kristen R: I watched “Breaking Points” and Saagar was saying that one of the companies had something like 47 million in a checking account. And all of it is covered!
John-Michael – some recent articles:
Here’s What The Latest Bank Bailout Does, And Why The Treasury Is Quietly FreakingOut
Silicon Valley Bank imploded in a single day. It could be just the tip of the iceberg.
Fed Panics: Signature Bank Closed By Regulators; Fed, TSY, FDIC Announce AnotherBanking System Bailout https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/svb-latest-developments-live-blog-fdic-auction-failed-svb-assets-underway
Silicon Valley Bank employees received bonuses hours before government takeover
Go on, take the money and run….
Where Is Occupy Silicon Valley?
“The failure of #SVB reveals yet again how captured the government is. This time not by WallStreet, but by #tech companies and oligarchs that are currently the primary source of#Democratic political #funding.”
Read or Listen (6 minutes): https://brownstone.org/articles/where-is-occupy-silicon-valley/
Silicon Valley Bank – How Worried Should We Be? | Joseph Wang, Former Fed Insider -Wealthion
An insider’s view of what happened to SVB [warning: FED apologist]
69 minutes: https://youtu.be/LOTFAXaFrvc
The greatest deflationary cycle ever I believe lies ahead – Podcast w/ Ed Dowd
Tim Wood & ED discuss Stocks, Dollar, 30 yr Bond (prices) & most importantly M2 the moneysupply. This is the 5th time since 1868 that M2 growth has gone negative on a yearly basis.
31 minutes:
Keith: If all bank deposits are insured 100% by the US govt, will not this encourage bank managers to make extremely risky decisions? They will know the US govt will cover them for wrong decisions.
Kristen R: Keith, good point.
David: What is a stable coin?
John-Michael: https://www.tekedia.com/silicon-valley-banks-bank-run-americans-nigerians-and-why-humans-are-really-the-same/
John-Michael: The Federal Reserve keeps tabs on the average interest rate that U.S. consumers pay for a variety of different financial products—credit cards included. In November 2022, the average credit card interest rate in the U.S. on accounts with balances that assessed interest was 20.40%, according to The Federal Reserve.3 days ago
Bad Credit (Secured Cards): 19.74%
Excellent Credit: 15.16%
Good Credit: 21.2%
Fair Credit: 23.87%
John-Michael: The Central Bank Digital Currency Prison – Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Greg Hunter
Article, video:
Stacy: We talked about goldbacks last week—who is holding the physical gold? It wasn’t clear (at least to me) on their website.
Kristen R: Stacey, the gold is in the goldback itself.
Sandra: What was going on in western MA?
Stacy: Thanks, Kristen—and sorry if I missed that last week. 🙂
Keith: Meme from Elon: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1634343907827019776
Sandra: Stacey, you use the goldback like paper money but if desperate, you could melt the goldback for the gold.
Stacy: That makes sense—thanks, Sandra! I was showing them to my dad and he also asked, so now I can relay that to him. 🙂
Sandra: Stacey, they don’t wash well! Check your pockets before doing laundry!
Sandra: Goldbacks are gateway drug to silver, gold, crypto…
Kristen R: Funny.
Sandra: Kristen, would it make sense to use Goldbacks to barter. Get folks used to using them…not painful at all. Just need to know the spot.
Kristen R: Sandra, it’s totally up to people what they use to trade. It’s an individual decision.
Thanks Kristen. Can’t wait to see how this works. All I keep seeing is a Favor Paper…lol
Kristen R: It’s pretty simple, but like playing a card game, easier to learn it by playing than by written instructions.
John-Michael: What are the characteristics of sound money?
The characteristics of money are durability, portability, divisibility, uniformity, limited supply, and acceptability.
Let’s run down our list of characteristics to see how they stack up.
Durability. …
Portability. …
Divisibility. …
Uniformity. …
Limited supply. …
Sandra: Do you guys think Convention of States Article V change the tide on this? Or is that just more of government and/or too little/too late?
Sandra: can* change the tide…
Sandra: sheep country/sheeple hahahaha
John-Michael: Sandra, depends on what is taken up in an Article V convention. What are you thinking to propose?
Sandra: It’s been underway for a few yrs. The points for remedy were established and agreed up by all the states before embarking on it.
Sandra: smaller gov, set term limits, fiscal restraints…
John-Michael: Still need 15 more states to get the Convention going
Sandra: If you haven’t seen John Beaudoin Sr’s talk on the plandemic yet, do! Our NH reps are meeting with our (?)AG next week.
John-Michael: KunstlerCast 372 — A Conversation with Dr. David E. Martin — Prosecuting Covid Crimes https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/kunstlercast/KunstlerCast__372.mp3
Kristen R: Sandra, Good to hear about the meeting with the AG.
John-Michael: https://kunstler.com/podcast/kunstlercast-372-a-conversation-with-dr-david-e-martin-prosecuting-covid-crimes/
Sandra: JM-John Beaudoin will be w/reps to meet AG! Preparing to put Sununu, et al on notice.
John-Michael: when/where?
Sandra: Like in law, you prepare multiple “paths” at the same time. You try to negotiate (COS)(legislature) but you also prepare to litigate. So we need to prepare on the personal level, town, state, national, international level.
Sandra: Thanks everyone!
3/6/23 – The Latest on Food Security – Bill Rogers kicks off the discussion with the war on eggs, specifically claims for the bird and avian flu (using the unreliable PCR test), and possible causes for low egg production such as high-glyphosate feed. We discuss last weekend’s “The Attack on Food Symposium + Solutions to Fight Back” hosted by Dr. Meryl Nass and Childrens Health Defense (7.5 hours, link below), and related topics. Also discussed: the upcoming LETS Barter event on 4/1 (see link in chatstream, at bottom).
Rebecca: Glutathione, glutathione, glutathione – detoxing basically anything…
Kristen: Thanks!
John-Michael – RUNH:
Avian flu has led to the killing of 140m farmed birds since last October: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/dec/09/avian-flu-has-led-to-the-killing-of-140m-farmed-birds-since-last-october
Joel Salatin on the Egg Shortage
9 minutes: https://youtu.be/jPRrI-c6KsE
‘The birds are all back inside’: could this be the end for free-range eggs in the UK? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/oct/21/bird-flu-free-range-eggs-uk
James Corbett articles:
What is the Future of Food?
The Future of Food (Is Ours to Decide)
The Future Food False Flag
MP3 and show notes: https://www.corbettreport.com/foodfalseflag/
The Attack on Food Symposium + Solutions to Fight Back | Childrens Health Defense
(from last Saturday – full video and schedule)
Keith: Entirely feasible that a corporation would kill or poison animals to increase their profit margins.
John-Michael – RUNH:
It’s ‘IMPERATIVE’ you understand THIS about ESG & the WEF – Glenn Beck 17 minutes: https://youtu.be/exTiGw9Tu80
Stop ESGism
Companies that comply with ESG mandates encourage the spread of totalitarianism and fascism. It’s time to stop. Here’s why. Here’s how.
The ESG Sleight of Hand
How the cleverly executed trick and deception works
Vanguard CEO Abandons ESG Investing Alliance: “Not In The Game Of Politics”
Neighborhood Food Network!
This program, which we invite you to initiate on your block, will create a parallel food system, one street at a time. We support neighbors to connect and empower each other to grow their food, support local small farmers, get prepared in case of times of crisis, and be independent of the current toxic food system. https://neighborhoodfoodnetwork.com
4/1 LETS Barter event – Full Event Details: https://riseupnh.org/lets-barter/
mel: Chase – ugh – first mistake!
Keith: How about the creation of millions of fraudulent savings and checking accounts on behalf of Wells Fargo clients without their consent.
Kristen: I think it’s better to use credit unions and small local banks.
I think it’s better to use credit unions and small local banks.
Heather: does anyone know anything about GLINT? Has anyone read The End of Scarcity?
Kristen: What goes GLINT stand for?
John-Michael – RUNH: https://glintpay.com/en_us/
Heather: I’m not sure but you buy gold and they give you a MasterCard so you can easily spend your gold. It just makes me nervous because of the tie to MasterCard. Like can you trust it?
Kristen: There are 20 of us on this call.
0Keith: Concern I have about precious metals is modern day alchemy. That is making gold from atoms. What if technology advances where it becomes cheap to create gold from other elements. Is this a legitimate concern?
Heather: absolutely, the leaked video from FDIC said for bail ins it will ideally happen on a Friday. Alaskan prepper showed it
Kristen: Heather, what do you mean by bail in?
Stacy: I’m 52 and my husband and I just met with a new financial advisor. He seemed amazed that our only debt is our house , which is almost paid off, and his truck. I’m trying to get us out of the system as much as possible.
Heather: love her!
Catherine Austin Fitz has a guide on how to choose a local bank, what to look for and how to have a relationship
John-Michael – RUNH: https://www.nhbr.com/is-it-time-for-a-new-hampshire-state-bank/
Heather: we totally do Frank! our legislature is not looking out for us
John-Michael – RUNH: https://www.concordmonitor.com/Granite-State-News-Collaborative-34032184
Sandra: I vaguely remember that there was a movement going recently for small local banks signing on to not enter what the big banks were doing. I can’t remember what it was referred to as though.
Heather: That is what the End of Scarcity is about. I am trying to figure out what I have to barter. someone who makes something has something to barter
Keith: “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.” Thomas Jefferson
John-Michael – RUNH: Sat, April 1, 10:30AM-1PM
LETS Barter! An experimenting in the Local Exchange and Trading System
The Village Church, Swanzey NH
Download the flyer here: https://riseupnh.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/LETS-barter-ad-1.pdf
Stacy: If anyone has read the “famous” prepping article that’s gone around the internet (link below)—having things to barter with is important. To Frank’s point, I don’t think guns and ammo will ever lose value. And in times of SHTF—if you can’t defend what you have, it will be taken by those stronger than you. https://prephole.com/surviving-a-year-of-shtf-in-90s-bosnia-war-selco-forum-thread-6265/
Sandra: Well, if the electric goes down (watch Grid Down, Power Up – OMG!), then in the blink of an eye, we would be bartering! If we have fractional gold and silver, bartering could work for smaller exchanges.
Kristen: Heather, we are bartering services, too. Most people really need services more than things right now.
Sandra: electric grid* goes down…
Heather: I love this idea! I will have to figure out something and sign up
Kristen: Simple services like shoveling snow, sewing repairs, helping to clean out basements or garages, babysitting, painting, mowing, the list goes on and on.
Heather: There are like 20 businesses in NH that take the Goldback has anyone tried using them?
Sandra: Goldback?
John-Michael – RUNH: Heather, do you h ave a list?
Sandra: Yes, I invest in Goldbacks and there are businesses that take them. In Keene…
Heather: NH Goldback
Sandra: Any Goldback. 🙂 But yes, I have NH.
Heather: it is on the Goldback website
Sandra: I accept Goldbacks for payment for dog services (or paralegal services).
John-Michael – RUNH: https://valaurum.com/new-editions/new-release-new-hampshire-goldbacks/
Sandra: DefyTheGrid has the best prices for goldbacks. https://defythegrid.com
John-Michael – RUNH: https://www.goldback.com/new-hampshire-goldback-gallery
New Hampshire businesses accepting Goldbacks: https://www.goldback.com/featured-new-hampshire-businesses
Sandra: Ohhh, thanks JM! I hadn’t seen the NH Goldback businesses page!
Heather: https://www.goldback.com/featured-businesses
Sandra: Always invest in yourself first!
Heather: yep, and our government took our gold not to long ago!
Sandra: I’m not so much worried about cash laying around. I know that will be invested in hard assets soon (months). I’m worried about my index funds in the market. Take it out, pay fees and put it where?!
Keith: Yes, I agree with you Frank, Gold and Silver should be considered money. Not a “barbarous relic” like John Maynard Keynes said. Complete irresponsibility of the United States government regarding debts and printing money.
Sandra: My son also has lots in index funds. I don’t want him to lose but he can’t buy hard assets as he’s special needs.
Rhetorical questions I guess. That’s what folks are worried about if you don’t put it in crypto. Money stuck in market funds. Tough decisions.
Ya, I’m in multiple financial groups and it’s all over the place.
Heather: We barter with our neighbors but my significant other is a carpenter. I am a desk worker
we barter labor
Stacy: I’m with Sandra—trying to put our money all over in various things.
Sandra: Hey Jim! Nice to see you here!
I have to say crypto is crazy! I’ve taken a few courses and geez, the learning curve is long and difficult. I don’t see the average person getting it!
I used some play money to try it out and then lost it in Celesius. Just play money but…it’s so complicated.
Heather: I saw a wealthy guy talking smack about Bitcoin and what he said hit me the wrong way. he said when the true creator of Bitcoin comes out it will go to Zero in a day
Sandra: Grid goes down, crypto is out…
Hope to see you all Barter Day!
Thanks everyone!
Ava G: Thank you all very much!
Sandra: I’ll bring my Goldbacks. 🙂
Heather: thank u
From Health Freedom NH: Request to take action now:
1) write to the committee: HHSEA@leg.state.nh.us
2) register stance:
3) show up Thursday!
Details at http://www.hfnh.org/bills
CHD Event in Keene this Saturday: http://www.hfnh.org/feb18
Kevin: On Feb 6, HB298 regarding placement of cell towers. There were 9 lobbyists and 2 paid reps for the communication industry in the room. There were 5 of us from NH for safe technology.Including Cece Ducette.
Keith: Their end game is Digital ID. It will be sold as “safety and convenience” but it’s really for control and surveillance.
On the danger of root canals: https://michellesblog.co.uk/tag/problems-with-root-canal-treatments/
Keith: Be superspreaders of love and courage.
John-Michael: https://gencourt.state.nh.us/house/committees/remotetestimony/
The National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions (NAFCU) opposes the CBDC idea. And they made their concerns known in a public letter to the Commerce Department.: https://www.nafcu.org/newsroom/nafcu-identifies-cons-cbdc-letter-commerce-dept
David: We need to develop a New Hampshire State Bank like the one is North Dakota. Perhaps we as a group ask our local legislatures to write and introduce this in Concord.
John-Michael: https://cryptoplo.com/mexico-confirms-plans-to-roll-out-cbdcs-in-2024/
Mary: Where did you read/hear that, Kristen?
Kristen: Mary, I wish I could remember.
glyork: HB539 (jab van @ schools) Does anyone know who is promoting these Bad Humor vans? Feds? State? State with money accepted from Feds?
Mary: He doesn’t even know how to make good software
Keith: Philanthro-Capitalist
David: The best it was in the non profit B & M Gates Fund, theref ore he does not have to pay capital gains tax.
glyork: What is it really a Chinese spy balloon, or a US military prop, design to distract the (censored) big story of the Pfizer Executive caught on tape?
Kristen: I just found this: https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/78102/from-pistoldollar-to-petrodollar-to.html
Rebecca: Gates dumps stock. If you can’t see this as a pdf I’ll grab the URL: https://files.constantcontact.com/029ca380101/2dddfd4b-2383-45be-b252-ef840b1869d7.pdf?rdr=true
Mary: Thanks, Kristen
Kristen: There are 16 people on this call today.
01:07:10 John-Michael: How the US gov’t built a shadow structure that enabled COVID vax ‘bioterrorism’
LSN’s coverage of the Latyapova/Watt DOD CV19 bioweapon timeline analysis
Rebecca: Yes, posted that in my Saturday newsletter…
Keith: Is voting in America now a meaningless ritual?
Keith: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” MLK JR.
Rebecca: Yes, Keith.
mel: wow and you still got sick haha
Mary: Johanna, what happened to all your stuff on your shelves??
Heather: These people are criminals!
Mary: Bravo to you for your self-restraint
John-Michael – RUNH: Yes, mel, I got sick. Hospitals are good for that. My mother and sister were also covid-positive, mother was symptomatic.
mel: I was being sarcastic – after wearing all their protocols…
John-Michael – RUNH: The Censorship of Mercola — A Timeline
Starting with his Vitamin D advocacy in 2020
Archived: https://riseupnh.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Mercola-censorship-timeline-1.30.23.pdf
Bill: good! we were afraid you were trying to get away from us!
Mary: Johanna, Glad you aren’t moving! Sorry for the damage.
Keith: Yes Kristen, people have unwittingly become indoctrinated by a psychopathic entity, Big Pharma. This is a deliberate strategy from their corporate playbook. We must show compassion towards our friends and family who believe in this corporate scientism, but in the end, only sharing truth will liberate humanity from these criminals.
Kristen: I agree, Keith.
Rebecca: Me, too, Keith.
John-Michael – RUNH: The Sovietization of Medical Care
The pandemic turned our healthcare system into an ugly unwanted soviet-style experience
Mary: Good point, Johanna. Who owns Truth?
Keith: “We will continue to be your single source of truth,” and that, “Unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth.” Jacinda Ardern NZ Prime Minister
Mary: Exactly, Keith!
John-Michael – RUNH:
Thursday, January 19th, N.H. House of Representatives
Labor, Industrial, and Rehabilitation Services
Legislative Office Building, Room 305-307
⭐ 1:00 p.m. – AMEND – HB 48, relative to employee protections from COVID-19 in the workplace. Hilariously, this bill prohibits an employer from discriminating against an employee who receives the COVID-19 vaccine or wears a mask. No one should face discrimination. Please email the committee to request they amend the bill to prohibit all discrimination, including those who refuse to wear a mask or get a vaccine.
01:14:55 Heather: They know because that poll and the article looking for amnesty was “them” sending out feelers to take the temperature of the general population
Heather: Solution: Offer 60days amnesty. Come clean in 60 days and we forgive you. Don’t and you will be punished
Keith: We need something like South Africa did. Truth and Reconciliation Hearings.
Keith: Some of these leaders do not care, “we know they are lying. they know they are lying.
they know that we know they are lying.
we know that they know that we know they are lying.
and still they continue to lie.”
Keith: A state Supreme Court judge in Syracuse on Friday struck down a statewide mandate for medical staff to be vaccinated, but the Gov. of NY still will not rehire unvaccinated workers.
John-Michael – RUNH: Never Again! Jan 30-Feb 3 7PM – 5-Part Documentary Series by Vera Sharav, Holocaust Survivor
A survivor and student of the Holocaust, Vera noticed that many things imposed on us for COVID ‘protection’ echoed what the Nazi did in the lead-up to the final solution.
Dr. Nass introductory text:
Series showing at CHD: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/never-again-is-now-global/
Mary: I like Heather’s idea of 60 days’ amnesty. But I’d offer 60 milliseconds amnesty.
Kristen: Hahaha…60 milliseconds….
Kristen: There are 18 of us on this call.
Mary: Thanks, everyone. “See” you tomorrow and/or Wednesday!
Keith: Forgiveness yes, but there needs to be acknowledgement and accountability for the harms done, so this never happens again.
John-Michael – RUNH: Absolutely, Keith
Keith: He would not be bullied by a mandate. He stood strong in the face of losing fame and fortune.
John-Michael – RUNH: Bring your dancing shoes! Party with your community!
DATE: Saturday, February 11, 2023
TIME: 5pm to 8pm
PLACE: Restoring Eden
626 Route 10, Gilsum NH 03448
COST: $3 donation to Restoring Eden to help pay for physical space
BYOB: okay if discreet.
Friend-a-tine Day Open Mic and Community Dance! Bring a pal.
Blues, rock, even a bit of swing
Let’s make this 11th of Feb a day to celebrate friends, family, and community.
Open mic for the first hour, bring music, a song to share, a poem, a story.
Then the band will play music for dancing.
Bring potluck for dinner and meet more folks in our community.
There will be a separate, quieter room for conversation.
Questions? Want to help us? Helping before or after is a great way to give back. Email Bill – wmarog@yahoo.com or Kristen – reynolds3000@hotmail.com
John-Michael: “Local Is Our Future” Book Study/Discussion Group Tuesdays starting January 23 7PM. See book details here: https://www.localfutures.org/store/Local-is-Our-Future-paperback-p140051233 – to sign up, write admin@riseupnh.org. (free/donation)
John-Michael: To inquire about 1/15 barter party, contact Kristen at reynolds3000 at hotmail dot com
Theresa: Thanks!
Theresa: Where is the barter located?
Kristen: Theresa, it’s in West Swanzey
mel: That’s their excuse for everything now!
John-Michael: There’s a lack of world peas
Theresa: We have fresh farm free range eggs in Newbury NH
John-Michael: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-44822006
(more on peas)
Theresa: They blame pea shortage on hot weather and shipping backlogs
Theresa: short growing season impacts what we can grow here.
Theresa: Great points Frank.
Theresa: I had 2 health professional friends who were crying on my shoulder about how their daughters chose to become transsexual and to have breast resection surgery and hormone replacement. They could not change the minds of the college aged girls. Very sad.
Kristen: Theresa, that’s so sad.
Keith: How and why was informed consent, the bulwark of 20th Century medical ethics, so hastily abandoned in the last three years, with so little debate and almost no opposition from the medical and scientific establishments?
Theresa: pork
Theresa: Informed consent is still alive and well except for the shots. As an expert consultant, I see cases that rely on lack of informed consent in allied health.
John-Michael: https://www.amazon.com/Turtles-All-Way-Down-Vaccine/dp/9655981460
John-Michael: “Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth is an important book, because it fills a gap that has long begged to be filled. It explains the science behind vaccines, distilling down a huge amount of literature, making a solid understanding of the science accessible to any committed reader. Until now, books on vaccines were either too technical for the average reader, or too simplified, or were not up to date on the current issues facing the vaccine enterprise. Every parent should have this book in their library.”—Meryl Nass M.D.
Rebecca: Date of vaxxed movie showing at the Keene Public Library January, 2017. Eric Schmitt’s post on Facebook: Following the event, NH Health Freedom informed me they found this post on Erik Schmitt’s Facebook page just prior to the film showing at the Keene Public Library:
“Off to protest another showing of “vaxxed” this time in Keene, at the Keene Free Library of all places (Doesn’t that just piss you off?)
Gonna try a different tactic tonight. No handouts (at first) and no trying to bludgeon people with factual reality (at first). I’m gonna try the asking questions that draw out the absurdity of their positions route.
I suspect once they realize they’ve backed themselves into a contradictory corner, the usual freak-out will happen, at which time the handouts and factual reality stick will probably come out.
We’ll see.”
Kristen: There are about 21 of us on this Zoom call.
Rebecca: That’s great!
Stacy: It reminds me of a Twitter post: “I will never regret the vaccine. Even if it turns out I injected actual poison and have only days to live. My heart and is was in the right place. I got vaccinated out of love, while antivaxxers did everything out of hate. If I have to die because of my love for the world, then so be it. But I will never regret or apologize for it.”
Mary: whose twitter was that?
Stacy: Whoever “Dr. Natalia” is on Twitter, supposedly.
Theresa: Thank you for being a Light in the world by doing this work. God bless you.
John-Michael: https://oftwominds.cloudhostedresources.com/?task=get&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.oftwominds.com%2Fblogdec22%2Fmadness12-22.html
Keith: A fortress built on a foundation of lies, manipulation, deception & mistruths eventually crumbles. Leaders can choose to ethically/humbly acknowledge mistakes, apologize & prevent further irreparable harms, or allow ego to take hold & be further complicit in escalating future harms.
Bill: AMEN!!!
John-Michael: Growth of the Administrative Public Education “State”
(The Book of Virtues: 30th Anniversary Edition)
David: Has anybody done a deep dive on the organization trying to organize the vax free blood bank? Is this legit or a dragnet to catch the unvaxxed?
David: M. also does not believe – at least publicly – that EMR is dangerous to life on earth, to every living being.
Bill: Elon Musk is just more smoke and mirrors and more rabble rousing to divide us more IMHO
Keith: To your point on humility J-M, “The characteristic feature of science is warranted uncertainty, which leads to intellectual humility.
The characteristic feature of scientism is unwarranted certainty, which leads to intellectual hubris.” Aaron Kheriaty
David: “The New Abnormal” by Aaron Kheriaty
Jen: “is musk a good guy or a bad guy?” on timetofreeamerica
John-Michael: https://www.amazon.com/New-Abnormal-Biomedical-Security-State/dp/B0B5M41RTW/
Keith: Science has abandoned “evidenced based” for propagandized technocratic presumptions.
Keith: Lost wisdom: First do no harm. A proactive, conscious, deliberate, moral and evidence-based inaction is far more beneficial to society than a reactive, politically-driven, immoral and unscientific action which results in cascade of rapidly growing, permanent and unnecessary harms.
Keith: “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed; everything else is public relations.” Orwell
David: Frank, did you say 25%??
kevin: Merry Christmas everyone
David: Imagine the future in a positive way on the Dec.21
kevin: What did one snowman say to the other snowman? Do you smell carrots?
Mary: I like the idea of a book discussion group that meets weekly or every other week
I’m in, too
John-Michael: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/local-exchange-trading-systems-lets.asp
John-Michael: Tonight 6PM! Covid Legal Issues with Live Q&A
Truth For Health Foundation Presents The Inaugural Medical Freedom Legal Symposium: Strategies For Overcoming Tyranny
Please Register in advance:
John-Michael: Please sign & share this petition ASAP regarding FCC Commissioner
Sign this petition now to get Gigi Sohn confirmed as FCC Commissioner https://actionnetwork.org/letters/confirm-gigi-sohn-to-the-fcc/
Take Action: Virginia Families Forced to Choose Between Smart Meters or No Power At All
Despite freezing temperatures and with little to no warning, Dominion Energy Virginia showed up at the homes of more than half a dozen families in Virginia and shut off their power because they refused to have “smart” meters installed in their homes.
Mary: We need to do SOMETHING, and let it evolve and learn as we go
Mary: 100 points for the pickles, they are really good. : )
Kathryn: Can the people of Keene stop this?
It’s likely people are so busy trying to keep up in their lives they aren’t even aware the millions of their tax dollars are about to be needlessly spent for something that will Kathryn: Yes — this is so sadly true
Keith: Psychological manipulation
Kristen: 3pm Wed. meeting in Keene
Kristen: 3pm Wed. meeting in Keene
Joe: at city hall 2nd floor
John-Michael: https://jackanapes.substack.com/p/foiad-contracts-show-cdc-expected
Keith: How about 55,000 pages of internal reports on vaccine effectiveness and side effects? Among the 1,246 different adverse effects in Pfizer’s own documents were cardiac arrest, deep vein thrombosis, immune-mediated hepatitis, myocarditis, brain stem embolism and thrombosis, interstitial lung disease, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, liver injury, and multisystem inflammatory syndrome.
Keith: And they wanted 75 years to release that info
Rebecca: Yes, they definitely need 75 years or face lynch mob!
Kathryn: It’s insane!
No – because they were too busy living their lives — and as my mother used to say about politician, “They’re good men. They know what they’re doing…”
This is exactly why they want to shut the internet down! It’s really screwed things up for them!!
It’s definitely not!!! For them!!
Omg!! It WORKED!! God Forbid!!
They want to create repeat customers!!
John-Michael: https://keenenh.gov/downtown-infrastructure-project-steering-committee
Keith: They have abandoned classical Hippocratic (evidenced based) medicine for propagandized technocratic presumptions driven by the self-interests of powerful corporations
Keith: James Madison observed “that an established military interest accrues its wealth, power, glory, and prestige from waging war. So it is necessarily interested in waging wars instead of averting them.” Hence, the biomedical security state’s latest war on viruses.
Kathryn: Of course — but in a smaller town like Keene – if you make an economic argument like that – and make the people of the city aware of what a waste it is – and they get upset enough — I would hope in a smaller town — the people’s voices would have more effect!
Mary: Wow, thanks for sharing, J-M
Keith: “Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.” — Mahatma Gandhi
Kathryn: Thank you!!
Mary: Thanks everyone
12/5/22 – Conversation on Open Fascism, Military Vax Mandates, Economic Ruin, Agenda 2030, and more – An open conversation about vaccine mandates in the military and elsewhere and the attendant merging of government and corporate interests — i.e. fascism — at a time when their adverse effects and lack of efficacy have become more broadly recognized, and how we can respond to the insanity in our local communities.
David: General Milley
David: Austism F
John-Michael: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/mccarthy-says-defense-bill-wont-move-forward-unless-military-vaccine-mandate-dropped
David: All quiet in DC about this theme.
David: how about death!
John-Michael: https://www.theepochtimes.com/defense-secretary-wants-to-keep-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-for-troops_4903131.html
Stacy: Not to sound black-pilled… but it makes sense to me if “they” are hoping to cripple our military via vaxx injuries and/or (sadly) death.
Keith: Yes Frank this makes no sense. By mandating vaccination for people who have recovered from COVID-19 they deny natural immunity. This has been the most surprising since we have known about natural immunity since the Athenian Plague in 430 BC and is basic Immunology 101; other coronaviruses generate natural immunity; and throughout the pandemic, we knew that the COVID-19 recovered have good natural immunity when they get exposed the next time. Why are they focused on the narrow benefits of vaccine-induced immunity when real-world studies show natural immunity is more protective, more potent, and more enduring?
Kristen: The important understanding that I am learning, many people don’t think, they follow the story given to them by their favorite news show. They parrot what they are told. the globalists are seeing this, too. In fact have been seeing it over the decades. We have to understand that the most crazy ideas that the WEF has can be and will be followed by the population if their favorite news says that it is good. No matter how crazy.
Kristen: So I believe things are going get worse. We must be ready for more insane things. Even more than we are seeing.
Kristen: They are learning how foolish we are, they are learning that folks will believe anything even contradictory things if certain people tell us.
Stacy: Totally agree, Kristen. Critical thinking has gone out the window.
Kristen: Local is critical
Bill: We are the best thing we have and the most hopeful and the most powerful
Kristen: John-Michael, can you bring me onto the panel?
Keith: Irrational fear leads to enslavement.
Joe: Terminator movie
Kristen: Joe, exactly
David: Kristen, did you see the Blob?
Kristen: David, I haven’t.
John-Michael: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Blob (movie)
Keith: While it was unfortunate that the RCTs were not designed to answer the disease transmission question, it is irresponsible for public health officials to claim that they did when the RCTs did not even attempt to answer that question.
John-Michael: True, Keith
Kristen: The coffeehouse and open mic event is December 17th, Saturday, 4pm – 7pm at Restoring Eden in Gilsum.
Kristen: Bring musical instruments, poetry, a story to share!
mel: a friend’s daughter had a rare form of uterine cancer – she is in her 20’s – I know they got the jabs (not sure when) –
Jen: germany does not have power lines – they have power lines underground …
David: I was puzzled by the plan. How will this affect the access to the hospital? How the fire trucks getting out? They say more people are biking in winter. Keene is doing a poor job clearing snow and ice. If you have common sense stay off the bike in winter.
Keith: Hi Joe, thanks for going to questioning of Lori Weaver, nominee for health commissioner. “Anyone who wants to continue what we have been doing in any sort of a way, is the wrong person for the job,” Mirzoeff said. “We need someone who can protect the people of New Hampshire from the misbehavior of the national government and the medical community, especially big pharma.”
David: About Keene: more green spaces on the plan. Who is going to pay and do the maintenance? Other small green spaces like the weedy circles are not maintained.
John-Michael: https://riseupnh.org/donate/
John-Michael: Revolution in China? https://www.youtube.com/live/vPRDLqggwQU?feature=share
Trouble at Apple’s Foxconn in China: https://youtu.be/zFA_c9PjBEI
David: Does one trust the media reporting about China?
Kristen: David, the mainstream media? No.
John-Michael: David, check out those videos I just posted. Lots of different sources, apparently.
David: They are coming for your IRAs and pensions!
John-Michael: Pensions: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/us-pension-funds-could-also-face-lehman-moment
Keith: The World Economic Forum has been encouraging governments around the world to link digital IDs and digital currencies to compliance with carbon footprint use, social media commentary and COVID-19 vaccine compliance, all in the name of safety.
John-Michael: WEF Says China System is a Model in ‘Systematic Transformation of the World’; CCP Builds Massive COVID Camps
David: I have question for Frank: Is it possible for New Hampshire to have state bank and depository like North Dakota. Is it possible to even start legislation for this ?
John-Michael: Exposing Americas Social Credit System – Hayden Schreier (Lori’s cousin)
10 minutes: https://youtu.be/60GyBw6jVNo
Bill Rogers: We MUST do it to save the planet!!!!!!!!
N/A: RE Retirement: Biden admin recently approved rules change to allow employers to use ESG funds for default IRA enrollments. Previously ESG funds were not allowed because they don’t exclusively focus on financial gains for the retiree.
John-Michael: How to Destroy a Pension Fund in 22 Easy Steps: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2022-10-25/how-destroy-pension-fund-22-easy-steps
Demographic Cliff + Let It Rot = Collapse of Global Growth: https://www.oftwominds.com/blognov22/demographics-let-it-rot11-22.html
Kristen: I think the human vultures are looking at resource depletion, soon to be 9 billion people on the planet and saying to themselves, how can we be sure there is enough for us? All of these tools, surveillance, carbon footprint, CBDC, etc. are all about reducing the resources that we use.
Kristen: Keeping the most resources for themselves.
N/A: This was the article on ESG funds https://www.zerohedge.com/political/thanksgiving-biden-stuffs-americas-401ks-esg
John-Michael: The Uncertainty in China Is Kryptonite to Global Markets: https://www.oftwominds.com/blognov22/china-uncertainty11-22.html
David: When the tanks come out on Tiananmen Square, than this true.
Keith: These Chinese protesters are risking everything: this regime’s repressive retaliation will be absolutely merciless.
Stacy: I’m watching Brazil and hoping they prevail and give courage to the rest of the world’s people.
John-Michael: Zero-Tolerance: Chinese Lockdown Protests Intensify In Rare Display Of Defiance: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/zero-tolerance-chinese-lockdown-protests-intensify-rare-display-defiance
David: Perhaps the Chinese vaccine backfired, I read on a German news site, they want to send them their extra doses.
Kristen: Nature never lets total control from the top last long. Nature works locally for a reason. There is no such thing as central control in bees, our bodies, forests, oceans, etc. It doesn’t work.
Kathryn: Yes!!! So true, Kristen!!
Mrrrick: There is no governmental solution……when the system degrades and we get pushed into “their reprogramming” we pull out……and live more locally.
Kathryn: I’m sure you all already know about this — but the work of Helena Norberg-Hodge speaks to all of this!!
Kristen: Our predators are human and they use central control to prey on us.
John-Michael: https://www.helenanorberghodge.com
Kristen: The only way to avoid them is stay local. But they will always push for more control, it’s in their nature.
Mrrrick: That’s true……we have to pull out and not play in their pool.
Mary: Franks, you’re such a tyrant
Mrrrick: LOL don’t believe her Frank I know that voice LOL
John-Michael: Local is Our Future (Helena Norberg-Hodge) – https://www.localfutures.org/store/Local-is-Our-Future-paperback-p140051233
Mrrrick: I agree local is our future!!!!
Kristen: John-Michael, thanks for the links.
Kathryn: Thanks so much, John-Michael, for posting these!
John-Michael: Excerpt from “Local is Our Future”: https://www.localfutures.org/local-is-our-future/
Mary: Thanks, JM, I am going to check out “Local is Our Future”
Heather: Catherine Austin Fitts confirmed that is true Joe with a study
Kathryn: https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/steve-kirsch-germ-line-mutation-allegations
Mary: Thanks, everyone
Kathryn: He above article speaks to what Joe was just speaking about.
Mary: Yes, that would make a great thing to discuss weekly or something like that
Kathryn: That’s one of the most wonderful thing about Helena Norbert-Hodge’s and also Vandana Shiva’s work — there IS a very positive outcome to all of this!!!
Kathryn: And it DOES bring us back to the best of our humanity!!
Mrrrick: Good idea John Michael let’s study local……and yes Frank it will be better for and for those who choose it!!!
Mrrrick: …,,for us….
Keith: “We stand on the threshold of an age whose convulsions proclaim alike the death-pangs of the old order and the birth-pangs of the new.”
Mary: Pitocin, please
Mrrrick: My sense is that we will witness parallel structures and systems and not just the “ birth pangs of the new”…….the new that the WEF wants to push is not what we want.
Keith: student loan forgiveness
David: After 3G, all EMFs are risky to all life on earth.
No the definitions never changed, because the frequencies are detrimental to life. Don’t for get the disappearance of the bees and birds. See Arthur Firstenberg
John-Michael: Arthur Firstenberg: Wireless Technology And Climate Change – Report from COP 27
On the blind spot that must be filled:
David: But how do we protect the bees and the birds, if they are gone no food for us .
Why do you think the airline pilots were concerned about the erection of towers at the end of runways? FCC won over the FAA.
John-Michael: RELATED: Suddenly changed? Personality-changes after mRNA-Injection – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Naomi Wolf, Dr. Peter Breggin – https://video.icic-net.com/w/18907e79-a065-4f6e-853e-3c6c2e859a46
John-Michael: https://jennifermargulis.substack.com/p/but-i-had-no-choice
David: Are you willing to take out all of Musk’s satellites?
Fiber optics is safer and will prevent CBDC.
Suzanne: I resonate with how your expressed that Becky! So grateful for this group chat! Thank you!
Vicky: Schools are offering flu vax clinics, but all must have parental permission. 2 small kids were “accidentally “ vaccinated in NH. However, many great bills were signed last year in NH for medical freedom, including in schools.
Keith: Were you at the CHD national conference in Knoxville last month?
Mary: To Leslie: What exactly is available in 6 languages? How do I access foreign language materials? Thank you.
Vicky: Just think why – ivermectin is a bacteria and bacteria , viruses, fungi, and parasites all live in a balance and thru competition and symbiosis.
David: Ivermectin goes by mg per kilogram. therefore 0.2mg per kilo body weight for chronic disease once daily.
Mary: Applause for Gerhard
Keith: Another study to remind us that our jab-first-ask-questions-later mass vaccination campaign was reckless and irresponsible. JAMA Pediatrics: two-thirds of lactating women excreted mRNA from vaccine in their breastmilk.
Mary: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/about-us/membership/
Leslie Embersits: https://new.childrenshealthdefense.org/
Leslie Embersits: https://new.childrenshealthdefense.org/take-the-pledge/
David: I watch because of you guys and Gerhard.
Mary: I read. J-M’s newsletters, too. Start to finish, usually.
Keith: What is the event with Rev. Kennedy in VT the guest was mentioning?
Ann Stark – CADY, Inc.: are attendees automatically muted?
Rebecca: Hi Ann, you can raise your hand if you’d like to speak or be promoted to panelist and video…
Ann Stark – CADY, Inc.: I want to prep my lunch but do not want to disturb.
Rebecca: plittle@keenenh.gov
John-Michael: re: EMFs/5G towers in Keen: Sign/scan letter to Patty Little, plittle@keenenh.gov – will get to mayor and all councillors
Clifford: Good point!
John-Michael: MONOPOLY – Who owns the world? https://rumble.com/vn7lf5-monopoly-who-owns-the-world-must-see.html
John-Michael: Lifting the Veil Ch 4: Operation Paper Clip – https://rumble.com/v113cxf-lifting-the-veil-ch-4-operation-paper-clip.html
David: You can not ask for forgiveness if you continue the same crime.
Bill: Rant On Frank!!!!!!!!!!!! grear points
Clifford: AGREED
Keith: “As forgiveness is one of the attributes of the Merciful One, so also justice is one of the attributes of the Lord.”
John-Michael: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Origins_of_Totalitarianism
The Origins of Totalitarianism, published in 1951, was Hannah Arendt’s first major work, wherein she describes and analyzes Nazism and Stalinism as the major totalitarian political movements of the first half of the 20th century.
The Origins of Totalitarianism full PDF: https://s3.amazonaws.com/arena-attachments/1290548/64
David: let’s move on; I think this is another distraction for us, the people. I need input here : Who to vote for sheriff tomorrow? I was informed by a Nelson resident that Mr. Pratt, nice guy, is not really an organized person. Anybody have any insight?
Stacy: Forgiveness shouldn’t be synonymous with justice.
Steve: If those in power over reached for whatever reasons they need to be held accountable. They have already showed what they’ll do with power, and fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
John-Michael: The Lost – Presidential Historian Michael Beschloss — and many others — go Full Dystopia Over Possibility of Red Wave Tomorrow
Steve: I have a question if you get a chance, I noticed when reviewing a sample ballot for the election tomorrow there’s two constitutional amendments at the bottom, I haven’t herd much about that, any thoughts or opinions?
Clifford: And resort to it they will
Kristen: Hi Steve, We the People group is saying no to both amendments. I’ve looked into it myself and agree. Especially the second amendment question.
Kristen: The second amendment would open the NH constitution up to changes.
Joe: Why do some people support tyranny while others defy it? by Brandon Smith (8/12/21)
Kristen: This seems like a scary time to open our constitution up for change.
Stacy: Red flag laws are designed to do the same—neighbor turning on neighbor.
Steve: Thanks Kristen for the info and thoughts, yes I agree
Mrrrick: Agreed a very disruptive time, with corrupt politicians who cannot be trusted to flush the toilet, to open up to changing the constitution. It is guaranteed NOT TO GO WELL!!!
Kristen: The first question would eliminate an elected position. It’s tricky because to a large extent the probate clerk hasn’t much to do anymore.
John-Michael: Articles on Granite Grok: https://granitegrok.com/?s=probate
Steve: Thanks for the thoughts, I bet allot of people will have no idea when they see it on the ballot
Keith: The perpetrators of these crimes against humanity are like bloodthirsty wolves, if they see no punishment forthcoming, they will be encouraged to continue with their evil agenda.
kevin: Speer was the only one who apologized at the trial. He served his entire 20 yr sentence.
Speer is known as the Nazi who said sorry. Part of Hitler’s inner circle, Speer was an architect who designed buildings for the Reich. During the trial, Speer denied knowing about the Holocaust. Yet he accepted moral responsibility for his role in the crimes that the Nazis committed.
Stacy: Thank you—exactly my feeling, also.
Clifford: Justice is a very tricky concept
John-Michael: truth and reconciliation commissions or truth and justice commissions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_commission
Steve: There was no consideration on people’s lives, careers, health, seeing relatives in nursing homes, funerals, choices so forgiveness is laughable, just trying to get out of being held accountable
David: Back to sheriff: Do you believe that Mr. Riviera will uphold the Constitution? All we know about Mr. Pratt is that he was police chief for about 20 y in Nelson (very small town!) & a local resident told me he was not very “organized”.
John-Michael: David: can you be specific about what you mean re: “uphold the constitution”?
Jen: call pratt and ask him some questions –
Steve: Great points Rebecca
Frank: Have to run. Thank you all!
Bill: I know that Pratt has been delinquent in his town taxes by tens of thousands of dollars for many years .supposedly he has paid taxes since his campaign
Steve: Thanks
10/31/22 – Shifting Paradigms and Acknowledging the Good –
Today we look at shifting social, political and scientific paradigms and how they are presaging deep change for our culture. We also consider at the “light in the dark” of the COVID era by asking the question, “What good has come out of the plandemic for you?” Participants share some of their stories of the unexpected positive outcomes from the past 3 years. Some context for this conversation is offered by the article, The Stockdale Paradox and the Future of Liberty, https://www.aier.org/article/the-stockdale-paradox-and-the-future-of-liberty/.
ann: Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (2008) by Ben Stein is excellent documentary on intelligent design controversy among top scientists in US and Europe.
Rebecca: Do you have a link, Ann? If so, post in the chat…
Keith: On the topic on the creation of the universe, here is a quote from Einstein: “I once thought that if I could ask God one question, I would ask how the universe began, because once I knew that, all the rest is simply equations. But as I got older I became less concerned with how the universe began. Rather, I would want to know why he started the universe. For once I knew that answer, then I would know the purpose of my own life.”
Mary: good things? this group!
John-Michael: https://www.aier.org/article/the-stockdale-paradox-and-the-future-of-liberty/
ann: Only link I see re Expelled is https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1091617/
Just supply title in the link. Probably have to order; only the trailer is freely available.
John-Michael: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Teilhard_de_Chardi n
Keith: I have been surprised by religious (spiritual) leaders in encouraging or mandating vaccines on their followers. Like the Pope, the Dalai Lama and others. Why are they pushing medical interventions on their believers as being a moral duty?
Keith: Perhaps these leaders are being influenced by the WEF, Klaus Schab said “We control business, politicians, governments, media, NGOs, trade unions, experts, scientists, academia, religious leaders, social entrepreneurs…”
John-Michael: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noosphere
Jen: mercola article today on unholy alliance – “faith leaders pushing pharma fraud” amazing article
Kristen: Jen, do you have a link?
Keith: The spiritual leader that I trust, Mahatma Gandhi, said “I cannot also help feeling that vaccination is a violation of the dictates of religion and morality.”
ann: Is that data sheet from Joe available for us to download?
John-Michael: Ann: https://riseupnh.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/NH-2-yr-COVID-jab-history.png
ann: Thanks
Kevin: Cece Doucette from Mass For Safe Technology has helped start NH For Safe Technology. Both of the sites have a lot of information regarding cell towers and other forms of harmful electronic radiation.
John-Michael: Thanks, Kevin. More:
Free public education webinars — attend Zoom forums co-hosted by Cece Doucette and NH for Safe Technology. Continue learning for yourself, ask questions, and invite loved ones, colleagues, teachers, first responders and other public servants to join this important conversation:
Monday, October 17th at 6 p.m. Eastern; register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUlceGrpj8iE9Qg7oKvLzMqh52T2Kyw902P
Friday, October 28th, 12 noon Eastern; register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pc-isrjgiE9zNvS22kWs_cf373wvA8_6M
Theresa: Do you know if internet will work if we do not have 4G or 5G? I wonder if they will cut us off if we fail to comply with their upgrades. I have used QLink for over 20 years to help mitigate the effects of low frequency EMFs. I hope it will help with the higher power 5G.
John-Michael: Pine Tree Radio Society on Telegram: https://t.me/pinetreeradiosociety
chat at https://t.me/+i7Kr0tS4FhEzMzdh
or #pinetreeradiosociety:matrix.lrn.fm on Matrix.
Cheshire County Radio Club: http://ccdxarc.org/
Theresa: We have basic ham radios. Happy to connect with other RiseUpNH members for networking.
Kristen: Theresa, that’s cool.
Jen: thank you to Ann for reporting on your neighborhood . Keep us posted so we can support –
Stacy: This is perfect—I’ve been thinking for a while that we really need to set up a “Paul Revere” network in case communication/internet goes down.
Kristen: Paul Revere network is a great name.
Theresa: https://hamradioplanet.com/ham-radio-basics/
Theresa: https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/bureau-divisions/mobility-division/amateur-radio-service
Theresa: Where is your radio club located?
John-Michael: Weare
John-Michael: Multiband radio: https://ccrane.com
reviews: https://www.amazon.com/SSB-Shortwave-Scannable-Aviation-Operated/dp/B07HXKR479
handheld Yaesu ft65: https://www.amazon.com/Yaesu-Original-FT-65R-Dual-Band-Transceiver/dp/B06VSNWYYX
Theresa: Thanks for sharing your resources on radio!
Theresa: We are in Newbury new to ham radio, looking to learn
John-Michael: https://mygmrs.com
Theresa: Will internet work if we do not have 5G?
Keith: Great Monday Meme today in the newsletter: Picture of the speed of sound, picture of the speed of light and then the speed of science (with picture of a bribe). Good one to share to help open minds to the fact that many of our scientific institutions have been captured by industry.
Theresa: Love it!
Suzanne: Thanks everyone. Very informative! Have a great week.
Theresa: They fail to mention we burn oil to provide electricity to charge electric cars!
Rebecca: Theresa, EXACTLY!!!!
Kevin: Saw them testing driverless cars on San Diego freeway in 1982
Suzanne: My friends Tesla breaks on its own…that gives me anxiety enough when I’m with her!
Theresa: They want us reliant entirely on purchasing their wares and services online, FANG!
David: Perhaps the GOP will have the guts to rescind the EUA!
Suzanne: Blessings to you all! 🙏💜
John-Michael: Campaign finance report draws complaint in Cheshire County House race
Alert! GH3 no longer “legal”
Rebecca Montrone reports on latest attempt to suppress medicines long in use https://conta.cc/3SFNrJg
The Supplement Threat You Didn’t Hear About
At the 11th hour, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) tried to slip his anti-supplement regulation into yet another must-pass bill. He failed, but he will try to do so again this year.
Action Alert! Tell your Congressperson: Oppose “Mandatory Filing” for Supplements:
Elan Sudberg (CEO, Alchemist Labs) On Lori McClintock’s Death (“by herb”) and Safety in Dietary Supplements – 23-minute video: https://youtu.be/dM4vARXWIRw
Fred: I am familiar with Jack’s Everyone Gets A Radio program.
Keith: I liked your meme in the newsletter: “Heart Problems Linked To Everything Except That Thing We Made You Get.” Wonder why cardiologists are becoming the most censored experts on the planet?
John-Michael: https://www.amazon.com/War-Ivermectin-Medicine-Millions-Pandemic/dp/151077386X
Rebecca: https://rumble.com/v1mszqu-are-the-kids-ok.html
John-Michael: The film will be made available for free viewing at https://www.therealanthonyfaucimovie.com on October 18 at 12:01 am Eastern.
kevin: WE also have two legs, to run away
David: You are a great man Gerhard.
10/3/22 – Today we speak with a number of Cheshire County candidates for commissioner state Reps, including: Joe Mirzoeff, JOhn Schmitt, Tom Savastano, Tony Barton, and Anthony Ferrantello. Our focus is on what has been happening over the past 2 years that has brought them to run. Rise Up NH does not endorse candidates, but we are happy to give them a platform to discuss what is important to them as it aligns with our mission of unalienable human rights, especially health freedom. Candidate info below in chatstream.
Candidate Joseph Mirzoeff:
Running against:
Candidate Anthony (Tony) Ferrantello: https://ferrantelloforcheshirecountycommissioner.com/
Tony is running against: https://terrymclark.wordpress.com/about/
Candidate John Schmitt:
John completed Citizens Count survey: https://www.citizenscount.org/candidate/john-schmitt/running
Candidate Tom Savastano:
Running against: https://www.citizenscount.org/candidate/jodi-newell/running
Candidate Tony Barton:
Running against: https://www.citizenscount.org/candidate/michael-dennis-abbott/running, https://www.citizenscount.org/candidate/cathryn-harvey/running
Running for 1 of 2 seats on Cheshire 6. Also running in R party: https://ballotpedia.org/Richard_Merkt
Cheshire County Sheriff Candidates:
R: http://prattforsheriff.org/
D: https://www.sheriffrivera.com/
Rebecca: In clients I am seeing increased cancer, blood clots; this is a disastrous situation. Government never had the right to do this to individual human beings. This is where we need people like all of our guests today willing to serve to limit the overreach of government.
Rebecca: So, THANK YOU!
David: I heard from clients that they cannot receive telemed from their Dr. in MA anymore if the doc is not licensed in NH. Is this coming from the state of MA or did the NH HB from this past session prohibiting out-of-state telemed for NH residents go thru???
Stacy: I just want to thank everyone for your public service and for defending our rights in New Hampshire. Thank you, and best of luck in November!
John-Michael: New England Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: https://www.rggi.org/
Rebecca: I’m not sure where this is coming from, but I have NH client who is seeing someone at UMASS. For her upcoming teleconference, she has to go somewhere across the border – anywhere in MA – and that’s just fine… What??? Check into a hotel with Wifi? One of the big issues we talked about at the Monadnock Gathering of Groups is the critical issue of medical care. It is bigger than big.
Rebecca: Interesting, Tom, the microgrids…
Russan: Noble 9 hearing this Friday 11AM Concord District Court
Rebecca: The big issue with the mandates – any mandate – is not whether the mandate is scientifically sound or not. You absolutely cannot cross the sacred line of God-given rights and, here in the USA, the US Constitution to take a population captive.
John-Michael: on claims of worsening hurricanes: https://twitter.com/ShellenbergerMD/status/1576596964447203330
On Noble 9 Court Case:
Again, I thank you all for stepping up. This is where it matters, and it isn’t easy. Thank you, thank you!
Tony Barton: My pleasure investing time with our group! Many great ideas and some new awareness raised by the participants!
Tom Savastano: Thanks John Michael and Rise Up NH!
Tony Barton: Thanks and God Bless you all!
Rebecca: Thank you, everyone… we so appreciate you all!
9/19/22 – 9/24 Freedom Group Gathering & more – In today’s chat, we start with an overview of what participants can expect in the Monadnock Gathering of Freedom Groups event on Saturday September 24, 2022 from 1-5PM in Swanzey NH (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/monadnock-gathering-of-freedom-groups-tickets-395962403207). This event aims to promote community resilience by helping individuals find others who live near them so they can create localized support groups. We then go on to discuss the broad medical malfeasance being witnessed over the past 2+ years, continuing vax mandates, the economy, the growing realization of fascist/totalitarian overreach of governments captured by corporations, and other pandemic-related issues.
JM: Becky’s show last Sat (on medical malfeasance): https://wkbkradio.com/podcasts/wondrous-roots-with-becky-montrone-9-17-22/
JM: https://www.amazon.com/Most-Dangerous-Superstition-Larken-Rose/dp/145075063X
Keith: “This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter” – Milton Mayer on Nazi Germany
David: Just came out before c0v!d — 2019 in Hebrew
00:56:18 Keith: “vaccinated people cannot transmit the virus” -Walensky
Kristen: Wow, Keith.
Keith: If four shots in a short time means effective, what does safe mean?
Keith: What happened to the Hippocratic Oath?
David: Another good book about pharma deception for “beginners”, reads like a thriller, is re: Prozac, Hyperact. disorder, insulin — by John Virapen, Side effects: Death, 2010, 2nd 2015; might only be available used now. Maybe we should start a little phys. library?
Clouwho: There has been a MASSIVE awakening… think of The Real Anthony Fauci by Kennedy. HUUUGE impact of left and right (now we know there’s only Globalists and non-globalist!
Kristen: Huge impact for sure.
Merrick: Since when have doctors been taught to have their own clinical practice? AI via the hospital protocol indicates that doctors have become promoters of the only diagnosis prescribed……then become pill pushers. BigPharma owns the hospitals and doctors……I find it predictable…….although I wasn’t aware of it before the PLANdemic. Covid protocols has proven that it is all protocol driven from the top. More doctors are now getting out of hospitals and establishing their own clinical wholistic practice that people really want…….the demand for good doctors is on the rise.
Kristen: I hope more do this, Merrick.
Keith: Maybe they wanted to find out who is compliant and who is defiant.
Kristen: I’ve got to go. thanks for the great conversation!
Merrick: People who move from “woke” to being truly “awakened” will apply their critical thinking skills across all categories of life…….
Clouwho: Matthew Ehret (Canadianpatriot) wrote The Two Americas. Avid historian (world and) has great info on historical cycles of manipulation by elite. All info is well resourced/documented.
Clouwho: Def lived with that caveat… He’s not great but policies are working.
Merrick: Governments don’t want war during conditions of economic abundance, BUT when economics of scarcity start to show it ugly head governments move to hoard as much as possible which creates conditions for war…….we are on the verge of war!
With or without…you’re right!!!
How many will have to die (the poor) before those folks (Frank) feel any impact?
That is true… and devastating. I have more so OK still.
But many of my younger family members are paycheck to paycheck.
Merrick: The trajectory of American life is no longer up!!! We are not going back to 2019…..because everything was unsustainable then……and it has only gotten worse.
Clouwho: That’s it. They planned it that way in the culture and financial system… to enslave in debt.
Merrick: The past is not prologue.
Clouwho: True… we’re building our future. 🙂
Much reason to be hopeful and active!
So much we can agree on.
Again, if you are a reader… I have learned so much of the current happenings through the work by Cynthia Chung and Matthew Ehret of Canadianpatriots.
Read article this am about those throughout world history pursuing Win-Win ideology as opposed to the Globalist’s agenda of death.
Thanks all. Be blessed.
Merrick: Yeah for Saturday…….thanks to the leadership team.
JM: PDF tip sheet for the freezing pipes with additional details can be downloaded here: https://bit.ly/3Rxu3xy
JM: David: Great Film
JM: mel: nicely done!
Keith: If anyone needs clean drinking water during an emergency, there is a natural spring in Gilsum on Spring street.
JM: Video link: https://youtu.be/-cu0TDZRqaM
David: How about has a write in candidate.
JM: https://wethepeoplenh.org/candidates/
RebuildNH’s Candidate Endorsement List:
2022 Candidate Scorecard:
NH Primary Day is September 13. Who Are You Going To Vote For? Skip’s Choices:
SAMPLE ballots for your town are now available at the NH Secretary of State’s website (Elections Department):
A Look at Who is Paying the Sununu-Supporting Super PAC to Attack NH House Republicans
I Am Running for State Representative with Three Concerns …
by Joseph Mirzoeff
JM: Email: Tony@FerrantelloforCheshireCountyCommissioner.com
Website: https://FerrantelloforCheshireCountyCommissioner.com
David: Even the ones Trump supported, were for mask and vacc mandates.
Keith: I try to stay away from partisan politics, but I was impressed meeting with Thomas Savastano and his wife during the RiseUp lunch at Country Life.
JM: https://www.votesavastano.com/
David: I know Mr. Savastano, he will be a good rep. for the Keene district.
JM: HOUSING CRASH 2.0 – BlackRock CRUSHES US Home Prices – https://youtu.be/O4bo_nBzJB0
Keith: Cricket FLOUR
8/29/22 – Dan Richard’s Voting Lawsuit –
Dan Richard shares about the voting lawsuit he is filing in NH, on the following 6 counts:
Count 1: Plaintiff was denied the right to vote.
Count 2: Plaintiff was deprived of his substantive and procedural due process rights which required to change, who and how the votes are sorted and counted.
Count 3: No constitutional authority or standard for testing or certifying electronic voting machines.
Count 4: Changing definition of a qualified voter by statute.
Count 5: Expanding the exemptions for absentee voting with out the consent of the inhabitants
Count 6: Constitutional amendment, violation of Procedural due process to amend the Constitution. There was no written disclosure to the voter, therefore no consent of the inhabitants.
Dan’s lawsuit: https://riseupnh.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/NH-2022-Voting-Law-Suit-Dan-Richard-Plantiff-Aug-22-2022.pdf
For more information on Dan’s work, visit https://cosnh.com
kevin : Deb Sumner has been challenging this vote integrity issue for over 12 years
kevin : JM, her name is Andi Pigott Martin, seeking Sec of state
John-Michael: Right, Kevin, thanks.
Clifford: Did not know that!
John-Michael: https://indepthnh.org/2022/06/30/u-s-supreme-court-deals-severe-blow-to-epa/
Dan’s lawsuit:
Article 12 can be found on this page: https://www.nh.gov/glance/bill-of-rights.htm
Suzanne: Thank you Daniel! This was truly informative!
Suzanne: Just grateful
Mary: thanks for bringing Dan on today, JM!
8/22/22 – Reviewing COVID Jab Deaths –
The globalist disinformation is having to work overtime to hide deaths from the jab — as seen by their euphemistic SADS label, which sounds a lot like the comparatively mild Seasonal Affective Disorder acronym, but stands for “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”, ridiculously blaming everything under (and including) the sun for what we’ve been witnessing. We discuss deaths in NH, the crumbling mandate narrative along with jab and mask mandate updates (for schools and children in particular, including in Keene area schools and universities), the nature of the social control system that keeps mandate practices in place, the upcoming gubernatorial election in NH, the need for a ranked choice voting system, and more.
David: Fauci is retiring on Dec. 31!
Rebecca: 2674 is 0.19240995264585% of 1389741
Stacy: I’ve read the theory of different “lots”—so perhaps they distributed different versions of the vaccine?
Kristen: Stacy, maybe.
Suzanne: Conspiracy Theorist!! Lol
Kristen: Here’s the video with the UK data:
Stacy: I brought it up since I’m thinking it could have contributed to the early “Covid” deaths?
Rebecca: https://www.howbadismybatch.com/index.html
Stacy: Do we think Karen Testerman can stand up against whichever Democrat candidate wins the primary?
David: Sen. Sherman was big supporter of HB1653 that would restrict placement of 5G and cell towers. Sununu is giving the green light for 5G and cell towers. This is a very tricky decision.
Stacy: I’ve seen a ton of Don Bolduc signs—I drove through the north country and they’re everywhere.
Rebecca: Mercola w/ surgeon general of Florida: https://riseupnh.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Mercola-Roundtable-Discussion-on-COVID-Treatments-and-Mandates.pdf
David: There was nothing !! in German MSM about the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Codex either. I checked 5 major national papers (in German)
Kristen: Wow.
Suzanne: I say that ALL THE TIME. We’re existing in two different worlds…
David: Anybody having any thoughts about the “New” CDC? Looks like an overhaul, for instance MORE censoring….Just read between the lines in the Keene Sentinel 8-18
Suzanne: Insane!!
Suzanne: I agree Becky!!
Suzanne: So grateful for this group!
Suzanne: There’s a fine line between education and child care these days
Rebecca: Thank you Suzanne!
John-Michael: New Book: Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth
Edited by Zoey O’Toole and Mary Holland. Highly praised book will resolve the vaccine question for you, once and for all. https://www.jeremyrhammond.com/product/turtles-all-the-way-down-vaccine-science-and-myth/
Suzanne: I did not vaccinate my now 20 year old son with any childhood vaccines. He was NEVER ill was anything. He chose to get vaccinated and has been sick off and on ever since.
John-Michael: Vaxxed II Movie: https://www.vaxxed2.com, https://www.bitchute.com/video/KhqlMEWvClXH/
Rebecca: John S wrote: “Off to protest another showing of “vaxxed” this time in Keene, at the Keene Free Library of all places (Doesn’t that just piss you off?)… Gonna try a different tactic tonight. No handouts (at first) and no trying to bludgeon people with factual reality (at first). I’m gonna try the asking questions that draw out the absurdity of their positions route. I suspect once they realize they’ve backed themselves into a contradictory corner, the usual freak-out will happen, at which time the handouts and factual reality stick will probably come out. We’ll see.”
Stacy: My concern du jour is the weaponizing of the IRS—the addition of 84,000 agents (I believe that’s the number) but more that they’re hoarding ammunition and weapons. For what purpose? (obviously, for nothing good)
Merrick: In 1972 the ATF was pulled out of the IRS…….but there may be some nefarious collusion of those who run these now separate departments of the Treasury…….so the real question is why does the Treasury need $700k in ammo!!!
Stacy: Yes—my husband is a contractor. It’s taking forever for windows, cabinets, etc.
David: I have seen house building stall the moment they need windows and the house is sitting for months without
Suzanne: Or how about this new term “sudden death syndrome”
David: We can tell people about uninformedconsent.com; they still have to watch it themselves
Suzanne: My children won’t watch certain media simply because of the platform that hosts it…it’s unbelievable!
Jen: there is another opinion on mattias book – read on solari.com, Catherine Austin Fitts book review with Peter Breggin interview and talk on the book – there are some issues with it. You will be surprised.
Suzanne: Thanks Jen
David: Naomi Wolf’s book “the bodies of others” the most accessible for “clueless” people
JM: https://www.amazon.com/Bodies-Others-Authoritarians-COVID-19-Against/dp/B0B337343Q
JM: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/monadnock-gathering-of-freedom-groups-tickets-395962403207#
JM: If you do not wish to purchase a ticket on the Eventbrite System, you can reserve your place by writing to admin@riseupnh.org [please specify # of tickets, the names of ticket recipients and their town(s)].
Stacy: Thanks, everyone!
Suzanne: This has been great everyone. Thanks so much!
JM: The Sununus and the New World Order : https://www.grazingthesurface.com/
JM: https://stopworldcontrol.com/cabal/
lori: kale soup.
lori: I heard from Josh that Zoom is completely unethical and he told me about another platform which I don’t remember. He knows where to go instead of Zoom
Kevin: Pam Popper, mentioned that a university in Germany are warning people about the dangers of gardening. Decades of herbicides & insecticides, as well as industrial chemicals in the soils are so dangerous, that masks should be worn.
Bill: So True Frank!!!!!
JM: https://airtable.com/shrYio3f3qNPRg7NR
JM: https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/kim-iversen-resigns-the-hills-morning
Kevin: Surveillance movies: Enemy of the State & The Net. Is it true that the electronic box , that responds to verbal commands for music and other stuff, with the name Alice? that normal conversations are being surveilled.
David: well said, Johanna
Bill: I agree with you 100
Bill: 5 % Frank
Stacy: I know plenty of people who got it for “convenience” reasons—such as—to travel, so they could continue going on their vacations. And now, many of those people are having health issues. Too many people are reluctant to give up their lifestyles, unfortunately.
Mary: my daughter was raising a similar point recently suggesting that we (the awake ones or whatever we are) have all our own fears and ire and perhaps it’s all manipulated by the elites also.
David: The tie was given to Malone by his wife — it is meant to be an insider joke!! She is a PhD and 100% supportive of her husband changing his mind.
Kristen: Interesting. Mary.
Kristen: That’s a cool story, David.
Kevin: Not just the medical doctors, what about all the science professors/teachers ? They know about experimental protocols. They are not speaking up either. There is a saying I heard in college from one of my professors: Don’t let your findings conflict with your funding.
Jen: yes, the out in front docs making $$ off us. which isn’t good. suspicious more are not out in front
Stacy: I agree—we are on the sidelines while they continue to advance the ball down the field.
Bill: Absolutely Becky!!!
lori: Oracle Girl says a lot of the future the elites are promoting should be taken as a “suggestion”. But we need to continue to say no and act accordingly to create our own future. We know in some countries things are happening faster with for example digital currency in China and Ukraine and we can’t ignore the possibility but now much of their plans are are suggestions . And the movies and shows are strong suggestions we can avoid. I heard a promo on NPR about a show called MoonHaven where people are completely controlled by AI and they no longer want to go back to earth because all is done for them there. UGH
Stacy: Does anyone believe he has COVID? I’d bet the farm that his meds aren’t keeping him together to be in public.
Kevin: The cult of the mask…….they-r-‘re ba-a-ack!
Mary: I’ll say this: I am so happy we can have so many opinions and voice them together.
mel: Ohio University is putting the mask mandate back in place until the county deemed below ‘high transmission’
David: I think we should be forgiving to people who initially bought into this and then became skeptical. Yes, it is frustrating but let us not be righteous.
Rebecca: Righteous? My heart breaks to have to tell people their new and serious health conditions are likely due to their having been vaxxed. It isn’t a judgment. I don’t even want to say things like this on my radio program… https://adversereactionreport.com/news/dr-david-martin-700-million-worldwide-aprox-100m-in-usa-will-die-from-jab-by-2028/
Kevin: Some people are genuinely fearful of anything unknown & invisible . Will probably wear a mask for the rest of their lives.
Stacy: All money laundering…
Stacy: Thanks, everyone!
Mercola article: https://riseupnh.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Big-Pharma-Wants-to-Put-an-End-to-Vitamins-and-Supplements.pdf
Senate Contact List and Suggested script for calling: https://www.npanational.org/senator-contact-list/
Letter option: https://anh-usa.org/action-center/?vvsrc=%2fcampaigns%2f88223%2frespond
Source: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/scientists-nih-cdc-failure-science-covid/
Melanie: Thank you for having me, Melanie.neily@prenda.co, if you have any questions after this zoom, happy to answer or certainly find out answers!
John-Michael: https://www.nhpr.org/nh-news/2022-05-08/croydon-voters-overturn-school-budget-cut
“Home educated students are eligible to attend public school curricular courses and programs, including athletics. School districts may adopt policies regulating homeschool participation, as long as the policies are not more restrictive than those governing public school students. New Hampshire Revised Statutes § 193:1-c.” – 2020
Keith: My family and I lived in Dnipropetrovsk. The people there primarily speak Russian and they have a wonderful Jewish community as well. My business partner who travelled to Western Ukraine was afraid to speak Russian there out of fear of being attacked.
John-Michael: When was that, Keith?
Keith: 2011 to 2013
Keith: Great insights on the extreme nationalism of Russians and Ukrainians. Unfortunately, God has been dethroned from the hearts of men and been replaced by false gods. The chief idols in the desecrated temple of mankind are the triple gods of Nationalism, Racialism and Communism.
Cliff: Yes, THANK YOU Olga … your perspective was well worth hearing and very much appreciated.
JM: Who Owns the World: https://rumble.com/vn7lf5-monopoly-who-owns-the-world-must-see.html
Kevin: Movie Dopesick – about purdue Pharm owned by sackler family paid for all the studies stating oxycontin was not addictive.
JM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dopesick_(miniseries)
Katie: We need it Joe. Only you can say it. Thank you
Mary: Frank is 100% spot on
David: Does anybody know if this “community power” thing is a good idea or not? Will this help? – I feel it is like smoke and mirrors…cannot figure it out
Ryan: Those people are already here and waiting to be seen.
Kristen: I believe that.
Ryan: I know it.
Bill: I will choose not to be in a community of people who threw me out of their shops because I would not wear a mask, or flipped me off while I was trying to educate them to the dangers we face
Mary: Here, here! , Frank. No one will ever accuse you of being “Hippy-dippy”. 🙂
Ryan: Feelings are to be felt. Then one can forgive and move forward.
Mary: another thing about coming together in person, it thwarts surveillance (if we are careful about phones and gps, etc)
Keith: Team Humanity needs to unite
Kristen: True, Mary.
Keith: Governments, mass media, and other mechanized forces use fear, loneliness, and isolation to demoralize populations and exert control, persuading large groups of people to act against their own interests, always with destructive results.
Kristen: For sure, Keith.
Katie: I am so grateful for this conversation. Thank you. Rise Up
Keith: Huxley’s warning of technology : The leaders of the World State justify that their implementation of science is all for the cause of progress and exploration, however, the reality is bettering technology for the desire to control society further
Katie: Where do we buy these cards?
JM: https://thethinkingshop.org/collections/products/products/critical-thinking-cards-deck
Mary: great discussion!
Katie: We have to have a strong third party with integrity.
Kevin: Be a loving caring human, that supersedes any political party. Give an additional choice besides “the lesser” of two evils.
Kevin: The twilight zone — Imagine if you will, a politician, that can’t be bought.
JM: Exactly
Mary: I remember the RI sales tax increase!!! promises, promises…
mel: But trying to be positive – gas was over 3.00 a gallon in 2008 – it did go back down.
kevin: JM, Is there a link to that last document? Thnx
Stacy: And that is the crucial difference—individualism vs. hive mentality, IMO.
John-Michael: https://relendra.substack.com/p/why-do-we-fear-our-own-power
Katie: Hello. Definitely not. Right Becky. Compassion for homeless and struggling
John-Michael: Seventeen Techniques Of Propaganda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiWJzo4sWBU
Rebecca: Thank you, Katie…
Katie: Beck thanks for sharing.
John-Michael: Preparedness Survey: https://forms.gle/TuYW1mSo4Gs5rFws8
Katie: It is exciting. Thanks Joe
Katie: I sometimes wonder if they are threatened after they get into office. Presidents? Hope not too crazy
Rebecca: The Bildeberg Group… this is where the power is and how people are put into such offices. https://rairfoundation.com/new-world-order-bilderberg-meeting-is-taking-place-in-washington-for-the-first-time/
Katie: Becky. Did they really. If everyone isn’t laughing?
Rebecca: Sex and monkeypox: CDC puts out guidance on how you should do it if you’ve caught it https://www.bostonherald.com/2022/06/18/sex-and-monkeypox-cdc-puts-out-guidance-on-how-you-should-do-it-if-youve-caught-it/
Katie: Becky can you share the link?
Katie: Thank you so much
Katie: Thank you all
6/6/22 – Setting Boundaries (on people, Big Pharma, newspapers, etc.)
Today’s Zoom session is an open discussion of news of the day, focusing on Big Pharma’s efforts to jab babies (and how to stop it); folks from the community announcing their candidacy for NH Legislature; a report from last Saturday’s (6/4) community organizing meeting; and Gerhard’s sign-on letter to the Sentinel regarding their Ivermectin coverage, and the Sentinel’s “rebuttal” denying the validity of said ivemectin studies. We also the question that Dr. Mercola raises in an article today: “Can we just ‘forgive and forget’ with the COVID jab zealots who’ve been attacking us?” Hint: Compassion and good boundaries are not mutually exclusive.
Keith: M. Scott Peck defines love as, “The will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth.”
Kristen: I like that Kevin. One’s own growth matters.
Bill: there absolutely has to be a reckoning for those responsible I am still thinking torches and pitchforks
Kristen: I get it, Bill. I want the leaders of this to be held accountable.
Stacy: I agree with Bill—there needs to be a reckoning and justice must be restored.
Heather: For those that are running please promise to adhere to the NH Constitution.
Mary: I’m with you, Bill
Mary: Love to see you back, Gerhardt!
Mary: You are much respected, valued and loved, Gerhard
Mary: I can’t see giving the sentinel any money for a subscription.
Kristen: I’m surprised they published the letter at all. I’m glad they did.
Katie: Naomi Wolfe has a new book taking us step by step to totalitarian rule
Katie: We are there. Step 10
Bill: I like the horse dewormer cause it is apple flavored
Keith: Let doctors be doctors and allow them to provide “life-saving medical treatment” such as ivermectin.
Bill: Go Frank!!!
Katie: Yay. I wish most people felt this way. It is scary in Washington.
Heather: Yes it is Becky!
Katie: Yes. Negligent homicide at best.
Katie: Yes
Katie: Go Becky
David: The biggest concern is the VRBPAC meeting on June 15, seeking approval for the babies and toddlers. CBERVRBPAC@fda.hhs.gov
JM: OPPOSE THE FRAUD: 10 Million Babies and Toddlers Targeted for Jabs as soon as June 21
The FDA has scheduled meetings to consider authorizing the use of Pfizer and Moderna injections in children and infants as young as 6 months. THIS MUST BE STOPPED.
Keith: Here is Gandhi over a hundred years ago, “The fact of the [Pg 110] matter is that it is only the self-interest of doctors that stands in the way of the abolition of this inhuman practice, for the fear of losing the large incomes that they at present derive from this source blinds them to the countless evils which it brings. There are, however, a few doctors who recognise these evils, and who are determined opponents of vaccination.”
JM: awesome
David: Back in Feb. I sent 35 emails to this committee to all the members and reiterated the unproven compatibility with all the other vaccines these poor children receive in their first 5 years of life. Just flood them with emails.
JM: David, which committee?
Keith: She should be treated as a hero, not gaslit.
JM: The https://www.regulations.gov electronic filing system will accept comments until 11:59 p.m. ET at the end of June 6, 2022
Katie: Thank you all your heart is inspiring
Julia: It’s not banning masks, it banning mandates. Making them optional.
JM: Right, thanks
Jen: mask mandates back in Boston area
Stacy: Did you see the proposed gun legislation that would require a government permit? It’s totally unconstitutional, but I still worry they will ram it through the House & Senate. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/senate-democrats-introduce-new-gun-control-bill-requires-doj-license-gun-purchases-5-year-license-limit-government-power-confiscation/
kevin: Gov vetoed HB 1131 – relative to facial covering policies for schools. This bill prohibits schools, whether public or private, from creating policies that force students or members of the public to wear masks.
Mary: kevin–so, there will not be prohibited, then? Am I understanding correctly?
David: HB 1131 was to prohibit mandatory masks in schools, therefore masks mandates can be enacted for the schools.
David: This HB passed both the House & Senate and the Governor ignored the facts.
JM: Covid Lies: Masks and Lockdowns
Brief article with references
Kathryn: That clearly doesn’t work!!!
Stacy: Friends and I are taking a private foraging class with Maureen Gordon. I’ve been stocking up on food and animal food and learning how to pack it away (mylar bags, heat sealer, etc.). Buying ammo and taking more firearms classes, taking first aid classes (and acquiring medical and trauma supplies). It’s expensive and exhausting, as you all know, to stay ahead of the “panic du jour”.
JM: ‘Minister Of Truth’ Nina Jankowicz’s Firm is Still Receiving Federal Funds To Fight ‘Disinformation’.
A consultancy firm advised by former “Ministry of Truth” Director Nina Jankowicz
JM: WHO VICTORY UPDATE: 12 of the 13 amendments have been removed from Consideration
But fight is not over!
JM: Monkeypox: Scenarios, Germ Games and Vaccines
JM: Tom Woods – The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty
A balanced assessment of the threats — they still come from our own gov’t
JM: Lagarde Calls For Crypto Crackdown, Says They’re “Based On Nothing”
Stacy: It’s by design—how can we organize and be on the offensive when we’re fighting fires every day?
Jen: turn it off – agree –
Stacy: I agree—everyone needs to take a break from it when possible.
Mary: I love your rants, Frank!
Jen: the wear down method …..
Mary: totally agree about getting together in person.
Stacy: Yes! 👏 In-person is so important.
kevin: 1957 Albert Biderman the 8 steps of coercion to create dependency, debility & dread.
Gene: Have a great day everyone!
Stacy: Totally agree! You are all amazing and a dose of sanity in this craziness. Appreciate all that you do! 😊
Julia: I couldn’t agree more with Katheryn!! I have so much gratitude for everything you all have done!!! 😊 ❤️
Kathryn: Yes!!
5/16/22 – Michelle McCartney on her Granite Minds Homeschooling Center & Liberty Clubhouse
Are you a homeschooling family? Are you an instructor? Are you looking for alternative educational opportunities such as independent classes, microschools, or co-ops? Granite Minds Homeschooling Center is open for your convenience. Run by a mom of 2 little ones, entrepreneur, and fellow liberty leader, Michelle McCartney is serving the areas within an hour of Weare, NH through her homeschooling center and liberty clubhouse. Featured on Free State Live, American Entrepreneur, Cindy Bennett’s Podcast, and NH Business Show, you can visit www.granitemindshomeschooling.com to learn more!
JM: https://granitemindshomeschooling.com/granite/sustainability-workshop-day/
Keith: This is great, thank you for taking the initiative to start this! Are you a provider for the Education Freedom Accounts?
Keith: Happy to hear you have a chess club! Ben Franklin wrote the “Morals of Chess”. He states, “The game of Chess is not merely an idle amusement. Several very valuable qualities of the mind, useful in the course of human life, are to be acquired or strengthened by it, so as to become habits, ready on all occasions. For life is a kind of chess.”
Keith: Any camps this summer?
Mary: Awesome, thanks for sharing Michelle; very inspiring!!!!!
Karl: Thank you Michelle!
Katie: Great ideas Thank you Michelle
JM: Game Over! Bodily autonomy and human carnage.
Listen to Becky WKBK radio show from last Saturday: https://wkbkradio.com/podcasts/wondrous-roots-with-becky-montrone-5-14-22/
Challenging Technofeudalism – Paradigms Lost & Found Ep 3
Frank and John-Michael discuss the New (Old) World Order’s newfangled control system currently on offer – “technofeudalism” – the ways it is being rolled out through various power grabs, deceptions, contradictions and lies, and why it will likely fail. Topics include financialization and kleptocracy, the controlled demolition of world economies, supply chains & cryptos, and how folks are waking up and saying no to these extreme and inhumane agendas. In the face of this all-out assault, we consider how We the People need to come together in a new way to reaffirm our sovereignty and create a world that works for all people and nature.
Karl: Thank you for it!! The information is SO appreciated!!!
JM: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/childrens-health/formula-homemade-baby-formula/
video: https://vimeo.com/85767522
Katie: Becky. Thank you for your comments so true. By design?
Rebecca: Yes, Katie; I think so… thank you.
Keith: How about Bill Gates-backed artificial breast milk?
Gene: Gates – just a coincidence, I’m sure.
Keith: The World Health Organization has started drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant it absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical care and more. How do we stop this from happening?
Michelle: This is why one of the most important things we can do is build the 2nd economy. We need our own companies, we need our own education platforms, our own shops, our own food sources, and we need more self-sustainable people who have enough to share.
kevin: Hope for the best, but prepare for the worse.
Larisa’s EMF Biz: www.sunsetEMF.com
Important EMF Links:
Keith: Imagine the harm to a child who has a smart meter on the other side of the wall of their bedroom
kevin: Larisa, Is there protective clothing, blankets?
Keith: Self Driving Cars
Stacy: Interesting that Shungite originates in Russia, according to Wikipedia.
Keith: Is cell phone radiation worse with a poor signal, rather than a strong signal?
Russan: With the new smart phones that you can’t remove the battery even if with the phone being “off” is it still transmitting EMF?
Keith: Protecting your bedroom & avoiding radiation at night and getting a good night sleep is one of the most important things you can do
David: Senator Kahn says the same thing: hook up every last remote area so they can get emergency services. Sounds like talking points from the telecom industry.
mel: didn’t work for my phone
Rebecca: gotta run… thank you Larissa and everyone… have a good week!
David: we can protect ourselves to a certain degree but wildlife(bees, birds etc.) cannot! So we will have to continue working on legislation etc.
Katie: Thank you from one canary to another
Weekly Zoom 5/2/22 – Women and Guns; NH Deaths Pre- & Post-Jabs, more.
Today’s Zoom features a 20-minute excerpt of an interview of Kimberly Morin by John Yannacci. Kimberly Morin is the founder of the Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire, (WDLNH), an organization that empowers women through the education and practice of their Second Amendment rights. Full interview can be found to the right, or here: https://www.brighteon.com/2c3b7fb9-d263-4344-8c06-d61b6fa45ae9.
Following the interview clip we have an open discussion starting with Joe M on NH’s COVID deaths pre- and post-jab — see this article.
JMD: Becky’s Song:
It’s superdiabolicalandsciencehocuspocus
Even though the liars claim the Vid is quite atrocious
Too bad the masses heeded them or we would be so over this
Hard as you try you cannot cover up the lie! (Repeat x 4)
I’ve never been afraid to speak and certainly not now
At such a desperate time as this I must refuse to cow
No matter what they say of me lying I won’t allow
Screw the diabolical and screw the hocus pocus!
Hard as you try you cannot cover up the lie! (Repeat x 4)
Because I don’t roll up my sleeves some think that I am bad
But I know that my road to health does not come through a fad
Think twice before you roll up yours, or you might well be sad.
So much for the diabolical and deceiving hocus pocus!
Hard as you try you cannot cover up the lie! (Repeat x 4)
It’s superdiabolicalandsciencehocuspocus
Even though the liars claim the Vid is quite atrocious
Too bad the masses heeded them or we would be so over this
Mary: great, Rebecca!
Keith: She’s on the record saying the Hunter Biden’s emails are disinformation. Great job Becky!
JMD: https://wkbkradio.com/podcasts/wondrous-roots-with-becky-montrone-4-30-22/
Rebecca: Thank you, Keith!
Rebecca: Thank you, Mary!
kevin: Clever and well done. Can Dr Gene add this to his repertoire?
Stacy: A friend and I just joined this group. I got back into firearms after the election, took a slew of training classes, and belong to a local range. I highly recommend being trained with firearms. 🙂 Even if it’s just to become familiar with safety and operation.
Keith: Covid Absurdity: Toronto Zoo Claims Its Animals Are Voluntarily Getting Injected with the COVID Vaccine
JMD: Full interview will be available here in a couple of hours: https://www.brighteon.com/2c3b7fb9-d263-4344-8c06-d61b6fa45ae9
JMD: Covid Hospitals: The New Killing Fields?
Heather: Those numbers are alarming and they show the same trend as the life insurance whistle blower who says deaths are up 40% in the 40-55 age group.
Rebecca: Hi Keith, yes, and I just saw this today: https://jennifermargulis.substack.com/p/gorilla-dies-unexpectedly?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OTQwMTc4OCwicG9zdF9pZCI6NTMyMzU3NjAsIl8iOiJWdFBhcCIsImlhdCI6MTY1MTUwNjY4OCwiZXhwIjoxNjUxNTEwMjg4LCJpc3MiOiJ
Keith: There has been one death in age under 20 in over 2 years from Covid in NH. And, they are pushing experimental injections for all children
Keith: https://www.wmur.com/article/new-hampshire-child-covid-death-dec-20-2021/38571345#
JMD: Senate bills being voted on Thursday May 5, 10AM onwards:
Oppose Interim Study, Support OTP—HB 1210, relative to exemptions from vaccine mandates. The bill allows for a simple, streamlined exemption process (still medical, religious, and conscience) for businesses that receive any money from the state or federal government.
Support OTP-A—HB 1022, permitting pharmacists to dispense the drug ivermectin by means of a standing order. This would make ivermectin over-the-counter medicine in New Hampshire.
Support OTP—HB 1099, prohibiting the department of health and human services from requiring vaccine passports for services. While this bill could be broader to prohibit discriminatory vaccine passports across the board, it is a start to prohibit the State from getting involved in promoting them.
Support OTP-A—HB 1455, relative to state enforcement of federal vaccination mandates. This is the Speaker of the House’s bill to prohibit state officials from enforcing federal COVID-19 mandates.
Support OTP-A—HB 1606, making the state vaccine registry an opt-in program. This bill would require the state to receive permission from citizens before entering their private medical information into the state’s vaccine registry, which complies with Part 1, Article 2B of the State Constitution.
Support OTP-A—HB 1280, prohibiting a parent’s refusal to vaccinate a child pursuant to an order of the state or federal government to be used as a basis for terminating parental rights. This is a critically important bill that protects parents’ rights from leftists in DHHS attempting to punish parents who don’t vaccinate their children by threatening to take their children away from them.
Support OTP—HB 1604, including state medical facilities in the statute providing medical freedom in immunizations. This bill repeals the exemption of government nursing homes, hospitals and medical facilities from the statute pertaining to medical freedom in immunizations.
Senate emails: Erin.Hennessey@leg.state.nh.us,Bob.Giuda@leg.state.nh.us,Jeb.Bradley@leg.state.nh.us,David.Watters@leg.state.nh.us,Suzanne.Prentiss@leg.state.nh.us,James.Gray@leg.state.nh.us,Harold.French@leg.state.nh.us,Ruth.Ward@leg.state.nh.us,Denise.Ricciardi@leg.state.nh.us,Jay.Kahn@leg.state.nh.us,Gary.Daniels@leg.state.nh.us,Kevin.Avard@leg.state.nh.us,Cindy.Rosenwald@leg.state.nh.us,Sharon.Carson@leg.state.nh.us,Becky.Whitley@leg.state.nh.us,Kevin.Cavanaugh@leg.state.nh.us,John.Reagan111@gmail.com,Donna.Soucy@leg.state.nh.us,Regina.Birdsell@leg.state.nh.us,Lou.Dallesandro@leg.state.nh.us,Rebecca.PerkinsKwoka@leg.state.nh.us,Chuck.Morse@leg.state.nh.us,William.Gannon@leg.state.nh.us,Tom.Sherman@leg.state.nh.us
Keith: It is the same with the pertussis vaccine
Stacy: I think there will be a “pandemic” of negative side effects. I don’t know about you all, but I know two vaxxed people who recently died of cancer and many others who are having other health issues. It’s crazy. 😞
Heather: They are Satanic and they enjoy laughing at the masses as they spin their lies and lead people to their death
Keith: Same viral load in infected vaccinated and infected unvaccinated – Fauci
mel: But how do they know they would have had it worse?
Rebecca: Precisely; they don’t know… that’s all speculation based on propaganda
Stacy: I’m convinced these same people would turn you in if it came to that. People ratted other people out just for being outdoors in 2020.
kevin: There was early report stating all asymptomatic people were contagious. Which was not accurate. Requiring everyone to wear face covering. The narrative continued with stating the vax-free were spreading the illness and the vax-obedient were protecting everyone. Many still believe these narratives.
mel: But for people to ‘clap and cheer’ is ridiculous like ‘gee Dad’ I can do this now ugh
Rebecca: People are just fed up…
5/2/22 – Kimberly Morin, founder of the Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire – full interview with John Yannacci.
Kimberly Morin is the founder of the Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire – https://wdlnh.org. WDLNH is an organization that empowers women through the education and practice of their Second Amendment rights. They are located in Londonderry NH and have a dedicated range for this purpose. Much of what they have to offer as well as their mission statement can be found on their website WDLNH.org.
Kimberly Morin is a true New Hampshire Patriot and activist. She is smart, determined and fearless. We are lucky to have her. Please enjoy this interview and consider reaching out to her and her organization for you own personal empowerment.
4/25/22 – A Conversation with Raelle Kaia.
Today’s Zoom session features Raelle Kaia discussing her latest article, The Moral Reckoning – Covid Amnesia and the Call of Conscience – https://raellekaia.substack.com/p/the-moral-reckoning. She addresses the spiritual and psychological transition we are in now, relating to the pandemic propaganda machine and its insistence of controlling the narrative — and our bodies and lives.
Raelle is an author (see her excellent Substack blog at the link above), healer, musician, and psychotherapist. She is also a writer and teacher of psychology, spirituality, and philosophy. A primary focus of her work is to question the spiritual roots of humankind’s destructive assault on the world and the self; and to present an alternative intainment of deep connection by which to guide our lives. She holds a JD from University of Idaho, a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Southern Oregon University, and is a certified Reiki Master.
4/18/22 – Food and Currency Relocalization. Today’s session is an open conversation about how we ought to build upon our fledgling efforts to relocalize (we discuss food and currency, but this also applies to energy) and create a parallel “System B” in light of the worsening supply chain issues, “shortages” and other globalist efforts to submarine the economy.
Stacy: I’m very concerned about a manufactured food shortage—even if it isn’t “real”, that the fake news media will drum one up and cause panic buying.
JM: https://wkbkradio.com/podcasts/wondrous-roots-with-becky-montrone-4-16-22/
Rebecca: Newsletter from Saturday Regenerative Farming https://conta.cc/3uLXD9C
JM: Dr. Mercola: The Causes of Food Shortages and Some Possible Solutions
Article with videos (for next 48 hours): https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2022/04/18/food-shortages-price-increases.aspx
Archived here: https://riseupnh.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Mercola-Why-Food-Prices-Are-Expected-to-Skyrocket-4-18-22.pdf
JM: https://dynamics.folio3.com/blog/biodynamic-farming/
Stacy: GAB is a great platform to meet like-minded people. There are state groups, no-vax job boards, etc. I met someone from CT who would like to start a RUNH group in her state.
Stacy: Keeping chickens is so easy and doesn’t require much space. Chickens also eat food scraps—maybe people can learn to start there.
Mary: I thought they extended them?
Eliot: Skills in wild foraging are important too. Wild dandelions are abundant now and a good source of nutrition to add to smoothies. Easy to dry or freeze for later in the year.
Heather: Don’t worry they will be back with something worse! They need to get us into WW3
JM: https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/18/politics/cdc-mask-mandate-ruling/index.html (with link to ruling)
MaryLiz: thanks JM
Stacy: That was an amazing event! My first meeting, also.
Stacy: These events and these calls are my sanity check. It helps reinforce that I’m not alone and this group helps me stay balanced (mentally) with all that’s going on. 🙂
Cliff: Far better than chickens on MANY levels is raising RABBITS! The meat is superior, they need less attention over all, and their poop is far more usable faster (far cooler).
JM: Kuel. Rabbit eggs though?
Cliff: I gesture I meant: Let’s not forget about rabbits!
Eliot: Libraries have been the worst in enforcing masks. In Winchester they still require a mask to use the public library.
Mike .: I’m having stress and anxiety because of the length of all this BS!!!
Cliff: Also Quail! Quail eggs are small but nutritious
Mary: Winchester is insane, IMHO, I live here.
Cliff: Quail!!!
Cliff: Vermicompost beneath rabbit hutches is another good workflow (Red Wrigglers)
Eliot: produce good fertilizer too
Cliff: The entire ideas is that we are actually SOIL FARMERS first and foremost
David: Rabbits? if you can stomach to slaughter them. Kids also get very upset.
Bill: rabbits are great because they require very little grain and almost anyone can grow what they need
JM: Polyface Farms videos: https://vimeo.com/125404937, https://vimeo.com/85462963
Bill: Joel has been fighting govt for decades one of his books outlines how he has been fighting health dept tyrants forever
Kathryn: The Stone Barn Center outside NYC also works completely under a Regenerative Farming model: https://www.stonebarnscenter.org/the-farm/regenerative-agriculture/
JM: Joel Salatin’s bio, with links to his podcast and his 12 books: https://www.polyfacefarms.com/joels-bio/
JM: Carla Gericke on Tom Woods: https://tomwoods.com/ep-2093-the-state-whose-activists-we-should-learn-from/
Rebecca: American Pastured Poultry Association https://apppa.org/
Cliff: Thank you all
ML: I just want to say I really like these interviews.
JM: Joe’s article addressing nursing home deaths in NH and more: https://granitegrok.com/blog/2022/03/covid-truth-and-reconciliation
JM: Related to what Frank is saying: see “The People’s Treaty”: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/the-peoples-treaty?s=r
David: I did read that article Johanna, what do expect from the LA Times!
JM: Write to the WHO to push back. Info here: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/speaking-truth-to-power?s=r
David: Sweden economy grew and their children did not suffer.
Mike: All of this is insanely ridiculous. There are WAY MORE of us than there are of them!!
Mike: No, don’t ask why. Just say NO, Period!
Mike: Sickening!
Mike: BINGO Frank!!
Keith: Who is funding the local paper’s Covid stories? Such spin. Here is what it says at the end of these stories: Funding for the Monadnock Region Health Reporting Lab comes from several sources, including The Sentinel and several local businesses and private donors. We thank these donors, most of whom wish to remain anonymous, for their backing, and we continue to seek additional support.
Mike: “I’m just doing my job” is just as bad as saying “It’s not my job!”
Mike: Complicity
JM: The first round of WHO hearings will be held through a webcast on 12-13 April 2022. Sessions times are in Central European Summer Time (CEST).
April 12, 2022: 8h-11h, 14h-17h
April 13, 2022: 9h-12h, 15h-18h
A second round of hearings is planned for June 16-17, 2022.
Mike: Killing off the young males helps to keep the future population lower.
Keith: The most corrupt country in the world. More corrupt than the obviously corrupt countries like Russia, Ukraine and Iran.
Mike: They’re just throwing a bunch of crap at the wall to see what sticks.
Mike: Everyone gets a prize!
4/11/22 – Full Interview with Frank Natoli. John Yannacci interviews Frank Natoli, with a broad ranging discussion of the deep state, the economic debacle, the plandemic, and more. Total length: 1:05.
Concord Rally Saturday 4/9/22: https://hfnh.org/event/april9/
April 16 Rise Up NH Musical Community Revival, 3-9PM in Swanzey, tickets and further info at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/musical-community-revival-tickets-303885558887/
CIA interference with election: https://www.theepochtimes.com/how-a-letter-from-cia-directors-and-intelligence-community-officials-changed-the-outcome-of-the-2020-election-truth-over-news_4374917.html?utm_source=ref_share&utm_campaign=etv-cc
JM: The inglorious history of the american voting machine revealed by howell woltz: https://richardsonpost.com/howellwoltz/21219/the-inglorious-history-of-the-american-voting-machine-fully-revealed/
JMD: Is Putin fighting the Great Reset, or in collusion with it? Excellent panel discussion: https://www.rokfin.com/post/80978/Panel-Russia–the-Great-Reset–Resistance-or-Complicity
JMD: The Global Order Has Cracked- Nations that fail to adapt to the end of financialization and globalization will unravel: http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2022/04/the-global-order-has-cracked.html. Podcast with video slide presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnR8PNxcTp8
JMD: 2021-2022, Epidemic of Heart Issues in Athletes in Chronological Order: Shocking photo-and-data wall of athletes with heart problems following COVAX. https://airtable.com/shrbaT4x8LG8EbvVG/tbl7xKsSUIOPAa7Mx
4/4/22 – Full Interview with Johanna Laurie. John Yannacci interviews longtime local activist. Total length: 1:13.
3.28.22 – Gerhard Bedding Interview and more. Today’s meeting features a 30-minute interview with 93-yr-old Gerhard Bedding by John Yannacci. Gerhard is a local activist who survived 5 years of Nazi occupation in the Netherlands. We also talk about the World Economic Forum and the global financial controllers, the oncoming digital money scam, BRICS, vaccines, and more on the plandemic narrative.
3/21/22 – Introduction to Nonviolent Communication. We speak with Kristen Reynolds about nonviolent communication and how it can improve relationships, including the relationship with ourselves. To register for the April 2 event, contact Kristen at kreynolds3000@gmail.com.
K: Hi friends, Just watched Dr. Julie Ponesse’s remarkable speech in the newsletter. She is my heroine! Thank you for sharing that speech John-Michael
JS: As he found out, most “liberal Democrats” aren’t really liberal. If anything, many of them are Bolsheviks with zero tolerance for anything but the liberal/commie party line.
JM: https://greatgameindia.com/
JM: https://lifeoftheblood.com/
S: I think this will be a tough year for a lot of people, unfortunately. We just lost a family member who struggled for a year of serious health issues after being jabbed. I fear it will get worse as the year goes on. 🙁
S: I am curious to know if anyone has experienced feeling MUCH better after taking Ivermectin? My husband and I were sick in January—we immediately took Ivermectin and recovered after two days. When I say “recover”, we felt WAY better than before we were sick. I’m wondering if it killed off something else we didn’t know we had? We never tested but felt it was Covid and we’re both unvaxxed.
JM: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-the-duran-podcast-43087093/
K: And now credit cards interest rates will go up, on top of the inflation prices
JM: Good overview of false flag events in Ukraine:
What nobody told you about Ukraine – Mindblowing!
Wall-to-Wall Lies and Deception — great article with videos
S: I’m being asked to go back to the office after working home for two years, just because our company wants us to. I am going to lose money and will be looking for a remote job. I had been saving a lot working from home, well before gas went up.
K: “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims… but accomplices” Orwell
BR: So True Becky!!!!
K: If nuclear war breaks out and tens of millions die, the Atlantic has figured out who the real victim would be: the climate.
KR: However things are changing, for whatever reason, one thing is for sure…we are not in this together. The people at the top are not going to be trying to help us.
JM: https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/little-ice-age-ocean-currents-b1995618.html
S: We have dogs, horses and goats that all take Ivermectin. So my thought is that perhaps we had parasites and never knew.
3/7/22 – You-Kraine Propaganda Wars! Plus Tom Burton Interview. In this week’s zoom conversation we cover the ongoing fiasco in Ukraine, more Vax news, and Tom Burton is interviewed by John Yannacci, both from Monadnock area.
RM: Hi Everyone; thanks for joining today!
JM: FYI this (initial 20-minute video) is Tom Burton being interviewed by John Yannacci, both from Monadnock area.
JM: https://rumble.com/vn7lf5-monopoly-who-owns-the-world-must-see.html
K: Nice job John and Tom. Thank you!
KR: Speaking personally- would you continue to work on local community even if the covid issue disappeared? What would it take for you to continue to create this local community?
LL: I am new to NH, previously a freedom fighter from NY, ready to jump in to the cause here. RM can you share your website info? I also, don’t see myself on the call…is it set up that way?
JM: Becky’s website: https://www.wondrousroots.org
LL: Thank you, Becky!
LL: Couldn’t agree enough!
RM: Thank you, Lisa!
KC: Are the squirrels “russian” or are they always in a hurry?
RM: My squirrels are not in a hurry. If they’re after my birdfeeder and I yell at them, they just sit there and wink at me, saying, “Oh, Becky, stop. We know you love us.” And, I have to say, I do.
K: ‘And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, … be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp.” Orwell
JM: FYI: Governor DeSantis hosts a roundtable with physicians nationwide on ending COVID theater once and for all.
Please watch the Florida Surgeon General’s announcement about recommending against COVID-19 vaccines for children.
BR: So very true Gene!!! you hit the nail on the head
DS: JM, thank you for these excellent newsletters!
K: Russia’s clear demands on Ukraine:
K: change its constitution to enshrine neutrality (no joining NATO), acknowledge Crimea as Russian territory, and recognise the separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk as independent states.
JM: Exactly, K..
K: https://theintercept.com/2022/02/24/ukraine-facebook-azov-battalion-russia
LL: Actually, learning that Putin came through The Young Global Leaders Program of The World Economic Forum, tells me that it is just squabbling in the sandbox. Vultures of the same family jockeying for position of the kill. The kill is humanity.
KB: Thank you Joe.
KB: Thank you Johanna for your insights. Grateful
LL: Could you share a screen shot of that in the chat?
LL: Thanks!
ML: Winchester votes tomorrow too
RM: So it isn’t a screenshot but a web link… let me know if you have any problems. https://shopwondrousroots.com/wondrous-roots-radio-notes-conspiracy-theory-oh-yes-may-20-2017/
LL: Thanks again!!
S: I’m going with “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. I hope it proves to be true. We already know how our own gov’t feels about us.
K: Klaus Schwab brags Vladimir Putin, Tony Blair & Angela Merkel belonged to WEF’s Young Global Leaders
KR: Did any of you see the Saturday Night Live skit on masks and the vaccine narrative? Suddenly it’s okay to make fun of the masks and to wonder if it was okay to befriend your anti-tax friend. If you saw it, what do you think is going on? Why the sudden change in narrative?
KR: defriend
S: Now that the COVID grift is up for government money laundering, it’s back to the regularly-scheduled war. And yes—the US government is just as much to blame for what’s happening in Ukraine. So many people I see posting have no idea.
GC: Definitely
M: The elections are coming up
D: Putin is too intelligent to believe in the Klaus Schwab reset. Don’t forget NATO wants to expand into former Soviet Republics and those troops have been there for 8 years. After the fall of Afghanistan, this gave Russia the signal to go full strength.
K: I had a business partner from Crimea and traveled there. Majority of people there wanted to be part of Russia in 2014 and for the most part it was not a violent separation.
AS: I believe the article didn’t indicate who the manufacturer is. Can someone confirm?
AS: Sorry I meant what country did these come from?
M: the article says people have used it mistakenly for eye drops
AS: chem trails
GC: I’m shorthanded today so I’ve got to run.
D: Summer Boosters with ice cream.
RM: Thanks, Gene; have a good day!
JM: https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73/htm
K: He also had leukemia.
PN: Is there any progress on HB1022 ?
D: He got the Leukemia after the jab, he did blood work very often because he was a commercial pilot.
D: There is no corruption in NH!
K: Malcolm X drew an analogy between white liberals and conservatives. He likened the black population to a flock of lambs and described liberals as foxes, who beguile to gain the trust of the lambs. Conservatives, he called wolves, who are aggressive and open in their desire to eat the lambs. He said that friendly foxes and angry wolves all have the same goal and that is to have lamb chops to eat.
S: What never made sense to me—how did we flip so many local NH seats to Republican, yet vote in Shaheen/Kuster and Biden? 🤔
K: He appointed Fauci
K: to lead Covid response
S: * sorry—Hassan.
S: It’s never been as obvious as it was this last election.
JO: Trump was poorly advised . He had traitors around him . One man can only do so much .
KR: What do you think about the psychological toll on communities? Psyop after psyop. How are you handling it?
K: More evidence Covid was tinkered with in a lab? Now scientists find virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began
MF: Thanks everyone for being my “peeps”
AS: I agree with everything that was shared today but I did listen to something positive today about the state of our culture. Enjoy! https://www.theepochtimes.com/woke-agenda-in-pop-culture-has-failed-and-this-signals-coming-political-change-bill-whittle_4297433.html
K: These are the death pangs of the old world order. Birth pangs of a new world is happening at the same time. Short term I see extreme hardships, however, I am hopeful for the long term of humanity
DF: Canada official mentioned banks and credit unions.
DF: Are national credit unions different from local and are both vulnerable?
DF: What are the better credit unions in Keene area? Are they vulnerable in the future too?
DF: Other than buying physical assets, where best to put cash and savings?
JM: 2 options: Savings Bank of Walpole, Service Credit Union
JM: Any others?
DF: Is GFA credit union too large or is it national ?
DF: It says NH and Mass
JM: GFA says “federal” — so not sure
K: Buy land, they’re not making it anymore.
DF: Are CD’s and insurance annuities also vulnerable?
DF: So saying they are insured doesn’t mean much in the end?
DG: I’m going to have to tag out early today.
MF: Someone said that debt is your friend……I disagree……holders of debt will run to hard assets. Debt makes us slaves
JM: CA Fitts: https://home.solari.com/how-to-find-a-local-bank/
DF: TD means Toronto/Dominion
MF: Banks regard our deposits an unsecured loans…..it is not my money but it is my bank….this is how banks will confiscate your deposit
DF: This happened in Greece and in the Soviet Union. In 1993 the central bank of Moscow required all Russians to turn in their monies within 72 hrs. Of course, many could not get to the city branches coming in from the country and then the que lines were too long….so many thousands of people lost all their monies that were invalidated after 72 hrs. when the central bank changed to a different currency….Yeltsin said he had nothing to do with it because he was “on vacation.” Right…
RM: The club, the players, the network: https://clubderklarenworte.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Netzwerkanalyse-Corona-Komplex.pdf
M: what’s a good website to purchase gold or silver?
JM: I’ve used jmbullion, https://www.jmbullion.com
M: thx
K: Best investment is investing in yourself in useful skills that cannot be taken from you
BR: great point K!!
K: We considered dry wood under cover better than money in the bank. – Scott Nearing
DF: How about investing in a charitable annuity such as Hillsdale College that is not a commercial or insurance annuity?
JM: https://twitter.com/EthicalSkeptic/status/1495595296063172610?s=20
DF: It is designed to invalidate or destroy
JM: How words have been weaponized: https://raellekaia.substack.com/p/whats-to-be-done-about-the-vaccine
DF: In 2010 a NY nurses’ association sued the state for trying to mandate flu vaccines in hospitals. Nurses saw the many injuries in patients, including neurological etc. They won temporarily but eventually the state won and mandated flu vaccines for healthworkers. (I also worked in a hospital and had to stop due to this mandate at the time.)
JM: Donna, if Hillsdale is vested in the usual funds, then it’s not really safe in any significant downturn or crash, especially not the total decimation that the WEF actually want
JM: (My 2 cents)
DF: I see….
DF: In 2020 a relative of mine lost $60K in a commercial annuity that already declared bankruptcy and did not return people’s monies. People sued but I don’t know the result…
K: People who have blindly trusted the CDC the last 2 years are about to have their world turned upside down as the lack of transparency and manipulation of data become undeniably evident.
MK: My mother’s 1936 birth certificate has “Department of Commerce” across the top. Why would that be on a birth certificate?
JM: https://clubderklarenworte.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Netzwerkanalyse-Corona-Komplex.pdf
From here: https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/02/19/covid-criminal-network-leads-to-gates-of-hell/
And also the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nfLp-jaM0k
DF: I am apprehensive about truckers going to D.C. which is setup to take them down as they did for Jan.6 protestors
K: “How to Lie with Statistics”
AS: Truckers should go to the southern US border instead.
DF: Won’t a war and/or WWIII with Russia bring on martial law also? Heaven help all if Harris is in charge…
K: “Statistics always remind me of fellow who drowned in a river where the average depth was only three feet.” — Woody Hayes.
SV: New heroes will show the people the old heroes were frauds. it is already happening w music w ppl like Tom Macdonald .. .. many people’s heroes are actors and many are just compromised. Authenticity smells different. They will ultimately fail the more people wake up to the multitude of tactics……..
JM: “MY RESPONSE TO TOM MARAZZO’S SURRENDER PRESSER:” https://www.bitchute.com/video/8RayJhCsWAa7/
SV: without all this how would we possibly fill our active roles in society when the objective has been to break our faith and assume “the designated have it covered”like Frank said? ..
SV: random(ish) but wonder what it means that “the queen” has covid…
K: Re-watch “Event 201” Scenario
DF: We cannot trust the northern border to be protected now that Canada shows its true colors….
SV: yup
AS: yes in Holderness
SV: yes they r there were kids with and without at the playground where the kids went (by my place)
K: Vermont does not recommend masks in schools anymore
SV: good to know. my son might end up going to a school there in a few years…
2/14/22 – Indict Fauci Action and Kristen R., Portland OR Refugee. Today we cover the Indict Faucl (et al) Action organized by the Constitutional Law Group, and welcome Kristen R. to our community who, along with her husband, felt the need to leave Portland Oregon due to the cultural hypnosis around the mandates. Among other things, Kristen is a teacher of nonviolent communication (NVC).
K: My friend’s Ethiopian Restaurant in Minneapolis was burned down during George Floyd protest
DH: disrupt, dismantle, replace. Or build back better if you prefer. It’s all praxis, praxis & yet more praxis. None of this is designed to enable anything other than destruction of civil society &, as Ms Reynolds describes, – their tactics are quite effective –
K: This is needed in Ottawa right now
DH: I reckon the outcome in Canada will set the tone for what we can expect here. Canadian encampment for Freedom must remain disciplined against the tyrants efforts to bait them into behaving badly
K: Trudeau’s bad strategy: ‘They don’t believe in science, they’re often misogynistic, often racist,’ the Canadian PM said in September. ‘They take up space, and with that we have to make a choice – in terms of a leader in a country – do we tolerate these people?’
Newsletter mailing service not working this week, please see: https://riseupnh.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/RUNH-NL-2.7.22.pdf
HR: There is a theory that the government will use the convoy to usher in martial law or putting up the look of Oh look we the politicians and government are going to save the supply line
JM: JR talks about that: https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2022/02/07/the-truckers-vs-the-government-we-need-to-get-out-ahead-of-all-this/
HR: Distract
HR: I know, I don’t know the word I am looking for, but trying to say they want to use it to become “the savior of the people” give them food and supplies.
HR: When is your Podcast?
JM: Podcast from Jan 24: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twQOgKg0b5I
NH Truck Convoy Overpass Signup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ylij5WF-hk5DvkFnxlxeS6Bpu9h2Kbb-IOlsLDf92Yo/edit?fbclid=IwAR0s0eJTSM93KL_5N_B2nH6be63LKXSV8yU1XjLi_9OYPUdY1ciyUnz8JLw#gid=0
K: “I want to be very clear: We are not intimidated by those who hurl insults and abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless. We won’t give in to those who fly racist flags. We won’t cave to those who engage in vandalism or dishonour the memory of our veterans.” PM Canada
HR: I agree with you 100! How do we, humanity, get our police and military to arrest all these traitors and get justice???
HR: Young Global Leaders program put out by the WEF/Davos crue
K: Also, Mark Zuckerburg
HR: Yup, Demonic!
K: Spoiler alert : Freedom Wins!
More Freedom Convoy links:
NH Freedom Convoy: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2512982275505163
HR: I am nervous to trust anyone, but I love Reiner Fuellmich! And they are banking on the devastation they have caused to make us Beg them for a solution
K: Just like Go Fund Me
HR: I wish the Goldbacks would take off. I know my Gold dealer will accept them,
MF: I agree, they’ll spring the trap on us
HR: But Trudeau said it was a small fringe group who don’t reflect the Canadian values
GC: I was just going to say that, HR.
HR: LOL! I saw it was like -30
D: Just think it was only 2 degrees that day, over 50000 stood in the frigid air.
JM: https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/bougiecrats-are-headed-for-a-fall
Where We Are & Where We’re Going Part 1 – 1st of 10 Parts: https://rumble.com/vtalsq-where-we-are-and-where-were-going-part-1.html
HR: You are correct Becky! Everyone should check out Brother Alexis Bugnolo’s 10 min video on the “How Skull & Bones plans to Co-Opt World-Wide Resistance to the Plandemic.”
HR: He articulates what I was sensing as the narrative was changing.
JM: “How Skull & Bones plans to Co-Opt World-Wide Resistance to the Plandemic” – https://www.bitchute.com/video/8OgdLBp2a4GP/
HR: All of the “Central Controllers” need to be arrested and all of their assets siezed.
KR: I think you are right on.
KR: Resource depletion is a big part of this.
HR: Absolutely G, so many still asleep or distracted
D: Reiner Fuellmich summed it up, the clean up will require lots of work, especially for attorneys.
AF: We simply need to push back, influence people via concern and friendship, not contempt.
D: Even Sen. Ron Johnson said we need an alternative Health Care System.
JM: Justice Coming for Victims of COVID Totalitarians & Murderers: Dr. Fuellmich: https://www.brighteon.com/05a5ca00-a47c-4126-8592-b0f1a85e5ea4
HR: HA! Connecting your body to the internet – they want to control more than the thermostat, F:)
KR: I know a lot of people who get their truth from CNN.
JM: Dr Peter McCullough reveals he is now treating patients for Blood Clots in the arms (a very rare condition) since the rollout: https://twitter.com/theysayitsrare/status/1487753793597067264?s=20&t=TbEQc_M8ZvEHTqN4l0ukeg
HR: Are there any markets/farmers markets in NH that transact business in a local currency or gold/silver or goldbacks?
KR: I’ve been wondering how much money is California (for example) getting to push mandates?
K: To spiritually change the economy it starts with agriculture
D: I would like to take a “local” currency but can’t even get the majority of my customers to pay with cash or check! !
HR: That would be great but the Reps are not going to help us. We maybe have 10 on our side. The rest will do whatever our corrupt Governor is doing because he is funneling us into Agenda 2030. In order to change that we have to fix the elections and people need to be educated as to who to vote for. No more of these NH transplants that are literally planted here to fulfill the agenda
MF: Need hundreds of people to break their rules together
HR: And those clowns are just shocked that surveys show that they, “the Elite” trust each other more and more, but they just cannot believe the surveys show that the People trust the Elites les and less….Shocker
K: Good news from the UK. The NHS has dropped the 💉 mandate for healthcare workers. Hope it w
KR: I think we have to do what the Amish did. Parallel society.
HR: Yes the Amish had no Covid issues
D: the Amish still have to use the current health care system
MF: Awesome, thanks JM
JM: Are you familiar with Spontaneous Order? Corbett Report has several video’s explaining it. https://odysee.com/solutions-spontaneous-order:72c316871cef0606fa5ee6154372961fd250e921?src=embed
1/24/22 – Updates: Jennifer Martin, COV/Vax Protocols; The Future. In today’s zoom we cover updates on COVID and vaccine (prophylactic protection or injury) protocols and on Jennifer Martin’s story (whose husband was medically kidnapped then died). We move on to discuss how to start thinking about the society of the future, including transcending “isms” and fears of isms when coming back together to creating something new. We cover economics, jobs (and bullshit jobs), and why going back to the old normal might not be a good idea
KC: Is there a document that reveals the entire ordeal that Chris & Jenifer experienced?
JM: I think she said that doc is under development
JB: My vision is that Americans will listen to one of the most intelligent men who ever lived and left us a very simple order to obey so we could reclaim our freedom from those who stole it from us. But Americans choose to listen to controlled opposition liars instead of listening to Thomas Jefferson. I know my vision is insane but that’s what I think.
HR: I want to dream about a new world but I those responsible need to be held accountable and the controllers are changing the narrative. I feel they have said oh shit too many are waking we will have to take the foot off the gas and wait until 2030 to hit them again. They are very patient. They all need to be taken down and their dream of Agenda 2030 2050 needs to be stopped. I don’t want to go through this again because they have let up the pressure right now.
GC: I’m with you, Heather.
JB: The Constitution has nothing to do with our rights. It’s only about managing our scumbag, elected servants. SMH!
JM: The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible by Charles Eisenstein (free to read online): https://charleseisenstein.org/books/the-more-beautiful-world-our-hearts-know-is-possible/eng/separation/
HR: I agree Johanna! We are too comfortable and protected that is why we are still where we are. Everyone in Nashua is back in masks.
AB: Hi, I apologize. I need to leave now
HR: Agree 100% Becky!
BR: I agree the tearing down is not nearly over, but I am super hopeful for what will replace the fallen system
GC: All challenges bring opportunities. The bigger the challenge the bigger the opportunity.
JM: Agree JM!
RM: H, I don’t think they’ve lightened up at all. We are seeing more and more levels of oppression – Boston, other cities – outrageous… Washington State to sequester the unvaccinated. These monsters are NOT giving up, and that the media blocks all free information that is readily accessible demonstrates “The Club’s” strength of evil power. It is only for a time, of course, but we are ever in the thick of it at the present time.
RM: Agree, Dr. G!
1/17/22 – Today’s guest is Cece Doucette, Director of Massachusetts for Safe Technology. She provides a whirlwind tour of the EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) topic, their effect on health, and legal and legislative efforts to combat them (including HB1644 here in NH). Her slide show PDF (with links) can be downloaded here. The NH 5G Commission report is here. (Apologies for the stretched video!)
KC: What brand & model meter is she using?
LS: Safe and Sound Pro !! from Safe Living Technologies. I have one too
H: : Early in Covid I wrote to my reps about the CARES money they were going to use for 5G in NH. Crickets. I sent them the NTP study, nothing. Sununu used $50M of the Cares act money to roll out 5 G in NH. All part of Agenda 2030. The new towers are everywhere.
GC: I bet the vaccinated are really going to feel the 5G.
LS: The heavy metals we have in our bodies the more we are affected by the elf’s and the Jax apparently are adding just that
GC: They have their fingers in everything.
M: Cover electrical panels and other areas with https://safelivingtechnologies.com/products/g-iron-armoflex.html G-Iron Armo Flex
JD: Email NH Leg Scient Tech and energy Committee on 5G Bill\: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/committees/committeedetails.aspx?id=15
LS: Yes please write a note today to the Science, Technology and Energy Committee supporting HB 1644 for safe setbacks and a registry
CD: Info to send in comment to legislature for tomorrow’s hearing: https://mailchi.mp/06e5ccdf490a/action-please-send-testimony-to-nh-legislators-1342505 7
LS: Keene library has the DVD Generation Zapped, https://generationzapped.com/
JD: NH 5G Commission report: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/statstudcomm/committees/1474/reports/5G%20final%20report.pdf
If Omicron came naturally from any Wuhan strain, the orange curve would match the green entropy curve. Even if a lab serial-pass-created Omicron from a Wuhan strain, these two curves would match. https://twitter.com/EthicalSkeptic/status/1480022935498854403/photo/1
https://granitegrok.com/mg_monadnock/2022/01/a-covid-inoculation-should-be-treated-and-documented-as-a-comorbidity (NH death rate before and after vaccine)
Nurse Says Viagra Saved Her From Severe Covid-19 Coronavirus Infection
1/4/22 – 2022 NH Legislative Outlook with RebuildNH
2022 Upcoming Bills:
HB 1425 (Blasek’s bill) — re: RSA 4:46 (not used during SOE) gives governor auth to seize private property during SOE – her bill makes it more complicated and expensive
HB 1022 – making Ivermectin OTC (like birth control)
HB 1466 – Another gives protection to docs for off-label use of drugs, also for pharmacies
Vaccine Bills:
HB 1455 (Joe Packard’s ? – speakers) – after VT Sanctuary state law – make NH sanctuary state for vaccine mandates and medical privacy (will add an amendment) (support)
Exemption – non-deniable, for employment (Tim Lang) (support)
HB 1569 – Add liability to employers for those using unpaid leave to avoid unemployment cost hikes (support)
HB 1633 – Bill Marsh – adding vaccines to school schedules (oppose)
HB 1379 – Removes Comm of DHHS’s rule-making auth to add vaccines to school schedule (support)
HB 1131 – prohibits mask mandates in schools (support)
HB 1272 – prohibit municipalities for having mask mandates (support)
HB 1506 – Make Registry opt-in (support). Currently opt-out, but it is not obvious how to, upon first current-day vaccination event (Sununu did EO mandating put on list)
HB 1608 – Expunge Vaccine Reg List (from Sununu’s EO) — (support)
HB 1395 – Rule-Making Process — new rules must be put on consent calendar for full House & Senate vote
SB 288 – Sen. Kevin Avard’s Bill — Hearing next Thursday 1/13 9AM Rep’s Hall – prohibiting the requirement of Vaccines for schools and daycares
SB 347 – Gary Daniels has a good med privacy bill
Every 10 Years, SOS can schedule Constitutional Convention – could be used to end admin rules process and for medical freedom etc.— will be on Nov ballot. Delegate election would be early 2022.