The VCAL Website is in Beta
If we want to live our lives in liberty and joy, free from medical and political tyranny, we need to go beyond protesting and get busy creating a world that works for all of us.
VCAL is intended to be a big umbrella to help unite any and all groups and individuals around the state (and in neighboring states, too) in a voluntary coalition to address critical needs. Numerous Action Groups have been launched with the aim of bringing like-minded people together to accomplish tangible goals while reducing the duplication of efforts. Some of the groups that are currently forming include: Food Resilience, Alternative Education Systems, Health Practitioners Network, Music and Arts, Survival Prepping, and many others — see the list at https://riseupnh.org/the-peoples-reset/.
VCAL Website
We have created the private VCAL website to meet the needs of individuals who wish to find others of like mind across the state and region. It operates much like other social media sites – activity feed, friending, following, etc. – and also has an events calendar and a Craigslist-type directory for posting products, services, needs, etc. The site features tools for forming action groups, freedom cells, or hosting other groups, schools, businesses, etc. Groups can manage all communications in one place, including messaging, forums, chat, document sharing, project management, and events; you can even run zoom meetings from directly within your group’s page.
Please inquire to become a beta tester.
Sample Personal Dashboard

Example of Groups

Group Example | Project Management