The Call for Collective Sense-Making
No one is telling you what to think or believe, or even what is true. Articles and videos offered here do NOT imply any kind of imprimatur of truth or finality on the part of anyone in Rise Up NH, but are offered for consideration as partial perspectives towards gaining a fuller picture of what’s so. In many cases, we are not representing the mainstream view as it is already ubiquitous in the public sphere, though most articles do make reference to or quite obviously take issue with official dogma. Always do your own research, suspend final conclusions in favor of continuing research, ignore what doesn’t ring true for you, and make up your own mind. Collective sense-making is a path, not a destination. |
Our goal with this website is to provoke both your mind and heart in a quest of collective sense-making, supported by as much evidence as we can gather and reasonably present, in the hope that you will continue to follow the breadcrumbs and turn over rocks and maybe travel down a few rabbit holes as you undertake the next phase of your own journey of understanding what’s really going on in our world.
We’re not asking anyone to believe anything we say here, for belief is too often a lazy act that allows us to stop thinking rather than to engage with reality more deeply and wholeheartedly.
We fully expect that many will find resonance with aspects of what we offer, while others will find reasons to draw contrasts or opposition. That’s all good, for each of us will be grappling with our own experiences and understandings and nothing that we or anyone offer could possibly hope to meet every person where they are. What we aspire to instead is that this conversation will impulse you into a deeper self-inquiry about what is ultimately true, beautiful, and good — for you, for your loved ones, and for the planet we call home. If you authentically engage in this level of inquiry in a sustained and committed way, then we believe only good will come of this.

If you are reading this, you are likely to have been around long enough to realize that the orthodox narrative about any current event is rarely the whole story, and quite often is the opposite of the real story. Rather than decide on what is absolutely real (i.e., for all others at all times), we believe it’s the responsibility of every citizen to look at all the facts, the narratives and counterclaims, and make up their own minds, especially about their own health decisions. Without an open and honest conversation about what those are, we will find it difficult if not impossible to come to a better grasp of what is actually happening in our world. Arriving at this more accurate picture of things will only come as a result of collective inquiry, and not as a result of a winner-take-all struggle between authority figures or cartels who are each aiming to advance their own narrative while shutting all others down.
We encourage you to keep your eyes open, keep your mind open, be willing to test truth claims, and continue to gather your own information and make your own assessments, because in the end your health and well-being, and that of your family, comes down to decisions that you personally make.

We hope that all of us will remain curious enough to scratch beneath the surface of propaganda and received narratives, brave enough to go deeper in our inquiry, even if it makes us or others uncomfortable, and humble enough to know that none of us has the full picture. Only by working together with humility, honesty and in good faith can we rise above the dominator paradigm that has for so long controlled our world, and create a wiser world based in partnership, compassion, nonviolence, and true democracy. To that end, we aim to create spaces for further inquiry, for collaborative conversations, for visioning future possibilities and for co-creating the new world emerging on the other side of current events.
Humanity is at a great inflection point at the present time, with a great potential for a radical awakening to a higher possibility. We urge everyone to continue to focus on the world they want to see come into existence in the next few months and years. Let a positive vision of what’s possible guide you as you investigate this world and help birth the next one. Take the time to talk to others about what you are seeing and wanting.
One final thing: it’s important to limit your intake of negative and fear-based information that is being broadcast from every corner 24-7. Know your limits, and be willing to say “enough for today” so that you can keep your body, mind and spirit in balance. Spend time daily out in nature, take time out to meditate and play or listen to music, and spend quality time with the people you care about. All of our searching will be for nothing if we lose ourselves in the process.
[1] We highly recommend watching James Corbett’s 10/6/20 video, I Am A Conspiracy Theorist, that tackles this topic
[2] We recommend listening to James Corbett’s recent take on censorship in his video, The Library of Alexandria is on Fire
See related article, How Do We Sort Competing Truth Claims?
Image at top by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay
Absolutely love this site. As a new transplant to this state due to the current madness. I am interested in sharing my abilities and voice. I have been attempting to reach out to local musicians on craigslist to no avail. If anyone out in your community would be interested in creating music to addressing the current state of the world I would be most interested. I am a longtime guitarist from the Boston area who has had quite enough. Thanks in advance for any response.
Welcome aboard, Mark. Yes, we have musicians! See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNrs7l4H9xc (Gene’s on our board) and feel free to contact us at admin@riseupnh.org for opportunities.
Have you ever thought of aligning with Wepatriot.org ?
Our beloved New Hampshire is no longer a haven for freedom due to neoliberal desensitization of purtian values and the REAL constitution (The one you don’t read about in institutionalized schools lead by satanic neolibtards). HERE IS THE CATCH: We don’t have to stand for it, we can RISE, and once we all declare ourselves Sovereign Citizens, the walls will crumble and Christ’s true children will prevail. Take a look at the dollar for the clues at how they are controlling us, join the RISING, and show your support against these blood drinking elites. WWG1WGA