Sununu Imposes New Mask Mandate

RebuildNH Urges Granite Staters to Resist Governor’s Mask Mandate

Press release originally published by RebuildNH on November 19

Endorsed Candidates Must Take Action As Soon as They Take Office To End State of Emergency

EAST DERRY, N.H.—On the heels of a Danish randomized-controlled study that concludes masks don’t work in stopping the spread of COVID-19, Gov. Chris Sununu has issued a statewide mask mandate that prioritizes feel-good measures over the rights and liberties of Granite Staters. 

“Sununu claims he is following the data in presenting this new mandate, but that is simply not true,” said Melissa Blasek, executive director of RebuildNH. “There is no quality research supporting the idea that a mask mandate is effective. Studies specific to COVID-19 have shown the ineffectiveness of masks, as have 60 years of studies surrounding masking to prevent influenza, which is spread in a similar manner to Covid-19.”

RebuildNH is planning a Covid-19 Legislator Policy Summit for Nov. 30 that had been directed toward incoming endorsed legislators, but we are now going to livestream the event to the general public and any policymakers who would like to attend. The experts, who include epidemiologists, OSHA certified health and safety representatives, and public health specialists, intend to explain why the lockdowns and mask mandates are ineffective and how freedom and personal responsibility works from a scientific perspective in managing public health crises.

“We’re hoping that this summit will provide lawmakers with the information they need to end the state of emergency as soon as they take office and the public with the information it needs to stop being frightened by this virus,” said Andrew J. Manuse, chairman of RebuildNH. “Given the true science behind masking, this is clearly just condescending psychological warfare attempting to continue a culture of fear that enables centralized control. We are urging all Granite Staters to resist this mandate by taking their masks off once and for all, and to resist this governor, who is imposing a flawed methodology to give the appearance that he is addressing a perceived crisis.”

As an interesting contrast to the randomized-controlled Danish study that showed masks don’t have an impact on the spread of the virus, an opposing study that claimed a decrease in hospitalization after mask mandates was withdrawn by the authors who have now distanced themselves from the findings.

Long-term care facilities in New Hampshire, which have been under very strict regulations during the COVID-19 fiasco, constitute more than 80 percent of all deaths in New Hampshire. The governor cited how five long-term-care facility outbreaks grew to 11 in one day as support for these new measures. Importantly, these facilities had already implemented masking requirements among other measures, and those measures have not prevented spread of the virus.

“It appears that Gov. Sununu would like to spread his failures from Long Term Care facilities to the general population,” said Andrew J. Manuse, chairman of RebuildNH. “I am confident in stating that the effect of wearing masks in society is far more dangerous than the 0.3 percent statistically insignificant benefit that they may offer.”


About RebuildNH

RebuildNH is a PAC made up of concerned individuals devoted to getting New Hampshire back to work through a restoration of balance and reason in state government

Read the Concord Monitor article on the Sununu Order