LETS Barter – April 1

Saturday, April 1, 2023 – 10:30am to 1pm The Village Church 121 Cobble Hill Road – Swanzey, NH COST: Donation With the “Great Reset” coming, let’s learn to barter.   Space is limited, pre-registration is required! Please RSVP right away to Elena: artemis718@gmail.com LETS is a useful way to barter between members of a group. […]

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COVID-19 and the Mind-Virus

By Paul Levy. The world-wide coronavirus pandemic is symbolically reflecting—just like a dream, where the outer dreamscape is an expression of the inner state of the dreamer—an unconscious and destructive process that is happening deep within the collective human psyche.

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This is Not a Vaccine

Dr. David Martin lays out the case for why the COVID-19 vaccine does not meet the traditional or legal definition of a vaccine. From the 1/5/21 “Focus on Fauci” livestream event. Includes links to videos.

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A Cockupspiracy: 30 Sceptical Theses on the Crisis

Contrasting the apparent cause of the crisis, COVID-19, from the actual cause of the crisis, Polis-20. Others have used terms like ‘casedemic’ and ‘panicdemic’, which are certainly amusing and instructive terms. But I think ‘Polis-20’ attributes blame where it should be blamed, to human action, and in particular to coercive political action, and, in so doing, makes it clear that we should not attribute much – except some death and some suffering (which is of course, does it need to be said?, regrettable) – to COVID-19.

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COVERT-19: Where the Real Sickness Lies & How We Can Heal It

By Foster Gamble, Co-creator of THRIVE. Eleven months of dedicated research have led me to the inescapable conclusion that most of us are unsuspecting targets of the greatest crime in history. We are on the verge of a global scenario of medical, biological and political tyranny that would make Hitler’s holocaust and Mao’s Great Leap into genocide look like child’s play – because this time it encompasses the entire planet.

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Technocracy and the Great Reset

By. Dr. Joseph Mercola (video and article). The COVID-19 pandemic is serving as a cover for the rollout of a global technocratic vision, a.k.a. the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution or “Build Back Better.” The common goal of all these movements is to capture all the world’s resources for a small global elite that have the know-how to program the computer systems that will come to dictate the lives of everyone. It’s the ultimate form of totalitarianism and the absolute destruction of personal freedom and privacy.

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Finding the Courage to Speak Up

By Christine E. Black. An assault survivor may be told by their assailant, “If you speak up, or step out of line, I’ll kill you – or your family.” This statement is just a few characters away from, “If you speak up or step out of line, it’ll kill you” (the virus). Or alternatively that you (or it) will kill someone you love. 

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Scam confirmed: PCR does not prove existence of SARS-CoV-2

The genetic sequences used in PCRs to detect suspected SARS-CoV-2 and to diagnose cases of illness and death attributed to Covid-19 are present in dozens of sequences of the human genome itself and in those of about a hundred microbes. And that includes the initiators or primers, the most extensive fragments taken at random from their supposed “genome” and even the so-called “target genes” allegedly specific to the “new coronavirus”.

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