Relocalization Study Group Starts 1/24/23 7PM

Rise Up NH will be hosting a “Local Is Our Future” Book Study/Discussion Group by Zoom on Tuesdays starting January 24 at 7PM.

The book can be found here: The book is available for 30% off on group purchase ($9) – please let us know if you would like a discounted copy (Keene pickup only).

We’ll be exploring the policy shifts and grassroots steps that can move us towards the local and, thereby, towards a better world. Our focus will be on the practical steps we can take in community.

COST: Free or donate what you wish at

WHERE: We’ll be meeting by zoom, so you can be anywhere and participate. Expect classes to run about 1 hour per week, and to take place weekly on Tuesdays until we finish the book and/or our discussion. We’ll also have a discussion forum on VCAL (“Voluntary Civic Action League”), RUNH’s own private social media site – if you don’t have an account there (free), please let us know. We’ll also record the sessions if you miss one and want to catch up — the recordings will be available on the VCAL site.

TO SIGN UP: Please contact John-Michael at admin [at] riseupnh [dot] org – and please also indicate if you want us to grab you a discounted book for pickup in Keene. (FYI the book is also available here:

We hope you will join us in this exploration and help (y)our community become resilient and thrive during the upcoming times of deep change