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Hydroxychloroquine and Masking - Sentinel Chat Stack
John-Michael Dumais wrote an LTE to the Keene Sentinel in August (it wasn’t until sometime in September that it got published), questioning the orthodoxy on hydroxychloroquine suppression and masking mandates. Elliot Kaplan wrote to refute JM’s claims. JM responded to rebut Mr. Kaplan’s refutation, which was in turn challenged by Thomas Reish (“No, we’re not equipped to parse Covid Research”), and Rebecca Montrone chimed in with the (so far) final response. Below is the stack of letters and responses, in date order.
(Important notes: a) the Sentinel chooses its own titles for our letters, often with a lot of bias; b) often the publication dates online are changed for unknown reasons.)
1) The Great COVID Conspiracy of 2020
By John-Michael Dumais
President Truman warned in 1950, “Once a government is committed to… silencing the voice of opposition, [it goes]… down the path of increasingly repressive measures until… everyone lives in fear.” Yet today, regarding COVID-19 mandates and treatments, our government and mainstream media (MSM) are pushing a single narrative while censoring all others.
Over 40 peer-reviewed hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) studies show its effectiveness against COVID-19 (c19study.com). 55% of 33,700 physicians surveyed globally reported using HCQ; it was rated highest among all treatments (bit.ly/2CqCeug). Countries implementing HCQ treatments early in the progression of COVID-19 experienced extraordinarily low mortality (HCQTrial.com).
Despite HCQ being used safely since 1955, the CDC, MSM, YouTube, Google, and Facebook have decided that you shouldn’t know the truth. Even frontline doctors are being fired for sharing that they used HCQ to successfully treat their own patients.
Might this be because HCQ, unpatentable and less than $1/dose – compared to Remdesivir at over $3000 – isn’t going to make Big Pharma rich? Or is it because if people knew about the efficacy of HCQ, they would realize that COVID-19 is not as dangerous as advertised and that extreme measures like social distancing, lockdowns and vaccines are not necessary?
It’s sensible for the sick and immune-compromised to wear masks, but standard medical guidance for healthy people in community settings has long been that masks are ineffective (see this meta-analysis: bit.ly/3fT6OKF). The CDC, the WHO, and medical associations all said the same for decades – until 2020. Did the science really change overnight?
You don’t need a medical degree to understand that:
- the disclaimer printed on the side of the medical mask box, “will not provide any protection against COVID-19,” means just what it says
- cloth masks cannot stop microscopic airborne virus particles
- masks block normal oxygen intake and concentrate CO2, viruses and bacteria
The WHO finally conceded that asymptomatic transmission is rare. This means if you’re healthy, asymptomatic, and haven’t spent at least 10 minutes with a sick person, the likelihood you’re transmitting anything is effectively zero.
Today, “it’s just a mask.” Tomorrow it will be “just a vaccine.” Later it will be “just an immunity passport” and China-like levels of mass surveillance. Despite the ridicule and character assassination, many intelligent, caring and politically diverse scientists, doctors, journalists and citizens are bravely sounding the alarm on the fear-mongering control agenda that is rapidly eroding our basic liberties and turning the US into a totalitarian state.
John-Michael Dumais
10 Foster St
2) Refuting COVID cover-up nonsense
By Elliot Kaplan
I am writing to counter the arguments presented by Mr. John-Michael Dumais’ letter (“The great COVID coverup of 2020”) published Sept. 9, as there are factual and logical errors in his arguments.
First, Mr. Dumais states that over 40 peer-reviewed hyydroxychloroquine (HCQ) studies show the effectiveness of the medication in treating COVID-19. The website provided (c19study.com) lists 99 studies reportedly looking at the results of HCQ studies. Given that Pubmed.gov lists 307 publications for clinical trials, meta-analysis, review and systemic review of COVID-19 and HCQ, the fact the c19study page only lists 99 studies (several of which are in-vitro and do not involve human subjects) would indicate the website has cherry-picked the studies cited to show the results they would like.
Furthermore, the people behind the website (COVIDAnalysis group) do not disclose who they are, what their institutional affiliations are or what, if any, financial interest they have in HCQ. (newsguardtech.com) Given that, I would posit the website cited by Mr. Dumais as evidence for his argument is not an impartial source, thus making the use of it as evidence problematic. The most current studies, with better methodology, consistently show no benefit of HCQ in the treatment of COVID-19.
Second, his rational regarding masks is flawed. He states masks cannot stop microscopic airborne virus particles, but in the next line says masks allow viruses to concentrate, which means the virus must be blocked by the mask — you cannot have it both ways. As for limiting oxygen intake, the SARS COV-2 virus is approximately 150-650 times larger than an oxygen molecule, so how can a mask allow the larger particle to pass through but keep out something smaller? Lastly, the virus does not travel as a single virus particle, it travels in respiratory droplets that are at least 100 times larger than the virus, and respiratory droplet exhalation and inhalation can be lessened by wearing a mask.
Thirdly, in his final paragraph, a slippery-slope argument is proposed. He argues first it is the mask, then the vaccine, then an immunity passport, then China-like levels of mass surveillance. There is no evidence that one will cause the next. This is just fearmongering.
Regarding COVID-19, a cover-up has occurred. The cover-up is Donald Trump’s taped admission he deliberately understated the severity of the pandemic, which has led to a public health crisis.
P.O. Box 7
3) Let me rebut the rebuttal of my letter
By John-Michael Dumais
I am responding to the 9/25 letter, “Refuting COVID cover-up nonsense,” in which Mr. Elliott Kaplan attempted to refute the claims in my letter of 9/9, “The great COVID cover-up of 2020.”
First, on the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Mr. Kaplan spent more time trying to debunk the C19study.com website than examining the actual studies, all of which are linked to external research websites. The site now includes 126 HCQ studies (76 peer-reviewed), addressing a range of treatment delays and demonstrating the greatest effectiveness when HCQ is used within five days of symptom onset. Clicking on “Late treatment,” one finds a number of negative results for HCQ – consistent with findings elsewhere. Please also note that many of these are meta-studies which review from several to dozens of other studies. So Mr. Kaplan’s claim of cherry-picking is specious. For more, please read the Economic Standard’s HCQ White Paper: https://bit.ly/3juBwwf.
Second, my letter states that masks both allow the passage of viral particles while at the same time concentrating viruses and bacteria. Mr. Kaplan believes this is illogical. I suggest he smell his mask after wearing it and he will find that the fabric can get wet and collect all manner of bacteria. The British Medical Journal concluded that cloth masks may increase infection risk: https://bit.ly/36EIdbR. Also, a May 2020 CDC meta-study countermand determined masks had no effect in non-healthcare settings: https://bit.ly/3jowz8t.
Third, Mr. Kaplan believes that mask requirements will not lead to vaccine requirements or immunity passports or increased surveillance. I hope he is right, but I suggest that he is not paying close enough attention, as such plans are already being rolled out:
- Harvard/Rockefeller plan: https://bit.ly/3lc9lCH
- US National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence plan: https://bit.ly/2XvokNT
- Numerous states and countries are already announcing mandatory vaccine plans
While my aim is not to increase fear, I do want to increase awareness so people can understand the choices being laid before them: either a fear-based future of increasing state control over your life and health choices, or one based in unbiased science, trust in your immune system, and freedom of choice.
My final criticism is for the Keene Sentinel editorial staff, which by employing the word “nonsense” in the letter title, is once again overtly attempting to steer readers towards a predetermined conclusion. Area citizens are smart enough to do their own research and make up their own minds.
John-Michael Dumais
10 Foster St.
4) No, we’re not equipped to parse COVID research
by Thomas Reish
John Michael Dumais, in his letter published Oct. 24 (“Let me rebut the rebuttal of my letter”), claims that “area citizens are smart enough to do their own research and make up their own minds when it comes to what works best to defeat COVID-19.”
This is not true. Those of us who are not infectious disease experts are ill-equipped to deal with dueling white pages or interpret the meaning of our stinky masks.
Pay attention to trusted experts. Wear a mask in crowded spaces. Wash your hands. Be safe.
127 Poocham Road
5) Don’t trust those establishment’s ‘experts’
by Rebecca Montrone
Always beware the term “trusted experts.”
How, exactly, does one become a “trusted expert?”
By being paid by Big Pharma, et. al., the entities that also pay Big Media; a “trusted media” that not only promotes their special interests but also performs free campaigning for those in politics pushing drastic governmental reforms?
Are “trusted experts” only those who do NOT get censored by Silicon Valley?
During this time where our most basic human freedoms are being threatened by the massive conglomerate of all of these (I call them “The Club”), it behooves the individual to take some time and make some effort to be better able to “parse Covid Research.”
There are plenty of convenient ways to do this. Please check out the newly formed local group riseupnh.org, where you will find an amazing amount of research and information right there in one place. There are plenty of scientifically reputable resources for the “inquiring mind.”
Finally, for those who are not up to the parsing, please continue to wear your masks, wash your hands, and keep your distance, but don’t impose those restrictions on those of us who have done the parsing and know better.
For we do not trust the “trusted experts.”
75 Winter St.