Subscribe - Get Involved!
It’s going to take all of us, working individually and together, to make the changes we need. People’s lives are literally depending on it, no hyperbole here. Here’s how you can get involved:
1. Please sign up for our newsletter below to stay connected with us and to keep up with what’s happening around the state, country and world. We will never sell your name or email address.
2. Feel free to join us for our weekly Monday Community Zoom chat, where we address a variety of topics and engage in Q&A with folks from all over NH.
3. Please also consider volunteering with the movement — please use our contact form to let us know. As a volunteer, you are an at-will partner who will be called on to do whatever you are able to do — communicate with family, neighbors, businesses or houses of worship; share handouts; write articles or letters to the editor or appeals to lawmakers or other government officials; help organize people in your town; show up at rallies, etc.
4. Learn more about and join one of the many future-focused actions groups forming around the state on The People’s Reset page.
Together, we can restore our rights and freedom, maybe even a little sanity :-).
Thank you.
If not from NH, please list your state.
Everyone who signs up receives a free copy of the ebook,
Challenging the Pandemic Narrative by John-Michael Dumais (delivered as a PDF), with over 600 links and references.