
RebuildNH’s Legislative Policy Summit

November 20, 2020,  with top national experts addressing issues related to COVID-19, such as lockdown effectiveness, herd immunity, unintended consequences, contact tracing and mass testing, face coverings, and more.

Rebecca Montrone with guest John-Michael Dumais on her Wondrous Roots Show on WKBK-Keene:

Jim Smart hosts John-Michael Dumais on his Tip of the Iceberg Show on Cheshire-T

The focus of the show is the suppression of hydroxychloroquine

Other Authors

Charles Eisenstein offers a different view of the pandemic and what it may be offering humanity. Or you can read the essay here.

We highly recommend this interview of Stephen Bustin by David Crowe (expert on the PCR technology) on “The Infectious Myth” podcast:

In his next podcast, David explained what Stephen said for those who had a hard time following/understanding it: