
Here's a selection of news and views....

Independence Day

Happy 4th! I hope we can all celebrate the vision and bravery it took for people to rise up to create the US of A. Recall the sacrifices of many of the Declaration signatories, and the continual efforts through the years to keep and strengthen our country through assaults from both inside and out. Aren't we at a similar inflection point today? We have the "loyalists" comprised of the (sometimes) well-meaning but heavily propagandized masses, with many in the middle perhaps waiting for permission to speak up and step up, and with a strong "revolutionary" minority like us who can see what is going on and who are willing to resist it and reaffirm the basis of natural law upon which our country's experiment was founded.

With the ending of the state of emergency here in NH and in many other places, one could be tempted into relaxing a little and thinking maybe things will ease up. But that's not what we're seeing. Businesses, schools, and medical practices are continuing with the two-tiered agenda, separating the vaxxed from the unvaxxed, forcing the latter to wear masks, and so on. The deep state agenda marches on, and the lies keep getting bigger (delta variant my a$$). They hope we will lose steam and just go along with the program. They hope we'll lose hope/heart. But we say: never gonna happen. Like our forebears, we're in it to win it. Perhaps even more is at stake now, for nearly every aspect of life as we know it is under assault: our bodies, minds, families, food, jobs, and our collective future. We who see cannot afford to give up or give in, our very souls demand action. So on this observation of the moment when our ancestors resolved to break away from tyranny, let us steel our minds, hearts and hands once more.

We deeply appreciate your being with us at this critical time in human history.

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. Experience has taught us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession, and when the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. -- George Washington

NOTE - DATE CHANGE: for those who were planning to come to Lori Schreier's farm for fireworks on Saturday, the date has now been changed to Sunday due to a forecast of rain.

Sociocracy: Decision-Making for the Future?

This past Monday's zoom featured a lively conversation with Paul Kervick from Vermont, a Dynamic Governance (aka Sociocracy) advocate. Paul has many years of experience using this consent-style (not strictly "consensus") decision-making process in real-world organizations. DG ensures everyone's voice is heard, and that no majority or minority comes to dominate groups which are seeking to organize to meet the needs of their communities. This hearkens back to the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy and the way they engaged in group decisions, which likely impacted the development of our country's founding documents. WATCH HERE. Read a good summary about sociocracy in this document.

Let's do this.

John-Michael and the RUNH Collaborative

p.s. Note: There will be no zoom chat next Monday during the July 4 holiday.

Wild Edibles Workshop a success!

Peggy Shauffler's wild edibles workshop last Sunday in Swanzey saw 27 people participating in the blazing 90-degree heat. She made suggestions for adding plants to salad, soups and teas. Participants received notebooks and a full color photos of all plants covered. A request has been made that she consider offering another workshop in early fall.
Photo credit: Marcus Stuart-Vannini.
Have a newsworthy item to report? Submit it to admin@riseupnh.org.


3-minute video by Ivor Cummins discussing the RCT study in the Journal of the American Medical Association:
Video replay now up:
Homeschool Options Video
Ivermectin Discoverer censored
From Jennifer Margulis:

1. A call for caution: An article by an international team of doctors was published in the journal Vaccines calling for a reconsideration of universal COVID vaccination ==>> https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/9/7/693/htm. From the article: "Currently, we see 16 serious side effects per 100,000 vaccinations, and the number of fatal side effects is at 4.11/100,000 vaccinations. For three deaths prevented by vaccination we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination. Conclusions: This lack of clear benefit should cause governments to rethink their vaccination policy.” This article echoes calls by thousands of others experts. In case you missed it, Peter McCullough, M.D. argues that people who have had COVID don’t need the vaccine. Molecular biologist and toxicologist Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., explains some of the dangers of this mRNA technology and why she believes the program should be halted.

2. Robert Malone censored: Robert Malone, M.D., the inventor of mRNA technology (himself fully vaccinated with Moderna) has also raised safety concerns and called on the U.S. to re-evaluate. The response from our government and the World Health Organization has been swift and decisive. Just kidding. So far, crickets. But Dr. Malone’s account was removed from LinkedIn and his name deleted from Wikipedia. Wa-hoo! Because, you know, it ALWAYS works to ignore the message and simply shoot the messenger. Just like in Macbeth.

3. Toxic Legacy is out now: Dr. Stephanie Seneff’s book, Toxic Legacy, which got a starred review in Kirkus, came out this week. It also got an outstanding write-up in The Boston Globe. (It’s behind a paywall so I’m not adding the link.) -5a7a96749174" target="_blank" style="color:#21759B;text-decoration:underline">Mercola article.] If you read one book this summer, read Toxic Legacy. If buying hardcover books isn’t in your budget, ask your local library to order a copy. Or two or three or five. Here’s a referred link to Amazon so you can read the reviews but I recommend you buy the book from a brick and mortar bookseller ==>> https://amzn.to/3y45ePE. Dr. Seneff and I have an article coming out next month about glyphosate and pregnancy. I’ll pass along the link once it’s published.


Indian Bar Association Sues WHO Scientist for the Murder of Indian Citizens by Misleading them about Ivermectin

Heart Inflammation Linked to COVID Vaccines in Study of U.S. Military, Department of Defense Confirms

COVID Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Are Secretly Buried (Mercola)

Joe Rogan, Dr. Bret Weinstein and Dr. Pierre Kory discuss Covid 19- Ivermectin Censorship (3-minute video clip)

Rep. Jim Jordan says he can prove Fauci LIED (video)

Federal Judge Grants Facebook’s Motion to Dismiss in CHD v. Facebook

4,115 Fully Vaccinated Have Been Hospitalized or Died With Breakthrough COVID Infections, CDC Says

After 300 Million Injections and as Demand Wanes FDA Finally Issues Warning on mRNA COVID-19 Shots for Heart Failure

Earlier news you may have missed....

Follow the science: ‘Deadly’ Delta variant registers a 99.9+% recovery rate -- by Jordan Schachtel

CDC, FDA Prepare Mass Distribution of a Merck/Sanofi Six-in-One Vaccine for Kids, Turning Blind Eye to Safety Signals - Children's Health Defense

Highwire video: Dr. Robert Malone, mRNA vaccine inventor, calls for stop of COVID vax

Hundreds of Thousands Take to the Streets in London to Protest And Fight for Their Children

COVID-19 is caused by graphene oxide introduced by several ways - La Quinta Columna (video with subtitles, plus links to 2 must-read articles)

New Deal Between Sununu, Legislature on Exec Power Could Push Budget Over Top (NH Journal)

CDC: 6,113 DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections Including 576 Abortions

"FRAUD OF UNPRECEDENTED PROPORTIONS"-- Lisbon Court Confirms Citizen's Petition That Portugal's Covid Deaths Stats Were FABRICATED: Only 152 Died "Of Covid" Not 17,000 - by Celia Farber

Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex Is World's Greatest Threat - Dr Mercola

Ongoing Events


Keene Casual Meetups

Feel free to join with other likeminded folks on Wednesdays 12-2ish at Country Life Restaurant (vegan) at 15 Roxbury St in Keene (right off the square) and Thursday eves 6pm-ish at Pho Keene Great on the square.


Stonewall Farm through Labor Day Weekend, 4-7pm

Eat, drink, shop and chill with friends. Enjoy food from local food vendors. Vendors selling agricultural, artisan, and service products. Music, lawn games, and beautiful grounds. Beer and wine. FREE ADMISSION. ALSO: Seeking like-minded VENDORS (free) to, you know, vend! Contact 603-357-7278.

Open Mic at Restoring Eden in Gilsum

Now 2nd and 4th Fridays. 7PM until ?. Bring your own instrument, snacks & (preferably) non-alcoholic beverages. 626 Rt 10, Gilsum NH 03448


Keene Picketing - No Picketing for July 4 weekend.

Picketing for the Freedom and Sanity Timeline on Central Square in downtown Keene, every Saturday 10AM-11:30AM. Bring your own sign or use one of ours.

Please see the multi-group calendar for other freedom-minded meetups around the state.

If you want your event mentioned in this newsletter (or are interested in getting one organized in your area), please reply to this email with details. If you are part of another group and want us to carry your calendar, please let us know.

Bulletin Board

Teen Group Forming

Our student-led group is dedicated to stand up for Americans and for constitutional rights. We are especially concerned about the rise of medical tyranny and suppression of freedom of speech. We are also concerned about the groupthink among our like-minded peers and are dedicated to educating young Americans on their rights and responsibilities as citizens of America. Contact Skyler at skyercope@icloud.com or Althea at altheaburnham8@gmail.com to get more information or get the signal code to join our group.

Learn Organic Gardening

Fertile Fields Farm in Westmoreland is open to having one or two people who want to learn and participate in growing organic food. Come to the farm once a week (usually half a day) with a provided prepared lunch. 16 years of age or older please. If health and independent living are important skills then growing food without chemicals on a small scale can be very helpful. In exchange for your time at the farm you will leave with an increased knowledge of growing food and a nice basket of produce for the week. Contact Lori Schreier at 603 399-7772 or email schreierlori@aol.com. This is not an employment situation but more of an educational experience of skill building and hands on learning.

Thomas Carroll Garden

37 School St, Troy, (603) 499-5998, Fri thru Mon 8 am to 6 pm. Each Spring features high quality annual hanging baskets, starter plants and select perennials; Fall selections include mums, asters, flowering cabbage/kale and other autumn annuals and perennials.

Have a business or other opportunity to share? Reply with details to have it posted here.